Normal Life Week#14

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Sorry for the delay. I have had technical difficulties with my netbook. Who said technology makes life easier? There hasn't been too much happening this week. It seems normal life is returning. I have had the blues the last couple of days but attribute them to winter blahs, hormonal surges and missing the kids. I am happy I won't be missing any more work due to hospital visits. The naturalpath route is very expensive and there is no support from the healthcare system or my ex so I need to work as much as I can. There is so much to be grateful for in normal life! I did do one thing on Saturday though. My sister, my daughter and I got piercings. They did their bellybuttons and I did my nose. I am getting a little bit of backlash but I don't care. I have decided this is the year to cross some things off my bucket list and face fears head on. I was afraid to get my nose pierced but I did it anyway and I love it!!!!!

     So if you put yourself out there, take that risk, great things can come. I am still following my protocol and believe I am healing at a steady pace. If you read this please send a message. I love to hear from you. Looking forward to many new adventures..........

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