While the detectives searched Caid's shop the man stood in a corner, arms crossed over his chest staring Zayden down. He ignored the big man, his eyes on the detectives as they searched the place.

"There's nothing here. Wow, what a shock," Ferrel sneered.

"Look, I never said there would be anything here, I said this was one of the places we dropped cars. I don't know about anything that went on after we dropped them off. I said I'd tell you where the cars were dropped off and I have. You have the list of shops. There's nothing more I can tell you."

Angelo grinned at the detective. "My client has cooperated, gentlemen, it's up to you to discover the real person behind this. As I have suggested before, you should take a further look into Seth Bradford and his uncle as well as their towing company. Good day, detectives. Come on, Zayden it's time for us to leave."

Zay was grateful for the lawyer's assistance, to Josh as well for making sure he had a lawyer to call upon if needed. They climbed back into the lawyer's car and left. He stared out the window for a fair amount of time, watching the scenery zip by, before he turned to the lawyer.

"Thank you," he told the lawyer.

"It's my job, Zayden. I'm here to protect you and I will." He glanced at Zay before refocusing on the road. "If I had to speculate on things, I might believe those detectives are on Seth's side. They've taken none of what we've told them seriously, they're focused on you with single-minded intent."

"They do have that envelope full of evidence that's made me the front and center suspect," he pointed out.

"Yes, pictures taken with a cell phone at close proximity. It's obvious whoever took them was standing very close to you, yet they refuse to even consider that the person who took them was in on the thefts."

"Ferrel did suggest they were taken with a telephoto lens."

"They're cell phone images. There weren't taken with a regular camera." Angelo pulled into the Harrisons' driveway. "I've already proven they were taken with a cellphone, they simply refuse to acknowledge it. All we can do for the moment is continue to give them any information we think might help, while you keep out of trouble."

"That's easy, not like I was ever in trouble before," he said.

The lawyer nodded. "I know, but knowing what all of you have told me about Seth Bradford, I think we can count on him attempting to find a way for all of this to fall on you so get you locked away for a very long time."

Zay slumped in his seat. "Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that."

"We'll do all we can to prevent that from happening. Let's not buy trouble, all right? Keep hope alive."

He allowed himself a small smile. "I'm trying. Thank you again."

"No need for thanks. Go on, I'm sure you've got homework to do."

Zay climbed out of the car and went inside. Alyssa was in the living room cursing at her laptop. "Problem, Lyssie?"

"Yes, I somehow lost my entire history paper. I do not want to start over."

"You didn't save it?" he asked as he came over to where she sat on the couch.

"I did, but I can't seem to find it."

He chuckled. "Computers never were your friend. Move over." He sat beside her and pulled the laptop over to him and began tapping at the keys. After several minutes he shoved the computer back over to her. "It was in the trash. You must have accidentally deleted it."

She sighed. "I'd be lost without you."

He wrapped an arm over her shoulders and hugged her. "We'd be lost without each other, I'd be languishing in prison right now if it wasn't for you."

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