22 what the rest of tour is like

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Freddy's pov:
I wake up to someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Summer, practically sitting halfway on to my lap. "Finally, you're up!" Summer cried, "We have a gig today, so hurry up!". I jumped out of bed, and grabbed an outfit. I then pushed Summer out of the room and put my outfit on:

 I then pushed Summer out of the room and put my outfit on:

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Then chucked some gel in my hair and rushed out to Summer. I finally get to see her outfit:

 I finally get to see her outfit:

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"Wait...is that my denim jacket?" I ask. She nods. "I can give it back if you want-" Summer starts, but I interrupt. "No, it looks better on you anyway." I smiled. She smiles back, and then drags me out to the van.

Summer's pov:
I can't get Freddy to wake up! I've been trying for like, 20 minutes, but he's knocked out cold. I notice his denim jacket lying on the floor, and I laugh as I take it and put it on. It's so big on me!

I go back to the task at hand, and I end up having to wrap one of my legs around him while shaking him really hard to wake him up. "Finally, you're up!" I cried, "We have a gig today, so hurry up!". Freddy practically jumped out of bed, and pushed me out of the room so he can get changed.

Freddy came out after 5 minutes, and instantly looked me up and down. "Wait...is that my denim jacket?" Freddy asks. I nod. "I can give it back if you want-" I start, but Freddy interrupts. "No, it looks better on you anyway." Freddy smiled. I smile back, and then I drag him out to the van.

The rest of tour is basically just going to the shows, going on more planes (my poor Freddy) and meeting fans. On every plane trip Freddy freaked out, but now we're going on the longest plane trip we've been on for the whole of tour, so we can get home.

It is going to be a 5 and a half hour plane trip, and Freddy looks really scared. "Everything's gonna be alright." I whispered, giving his hand a squeeze.

We stepped on to the plane, and found our seats. Freddy was really scared on take off, during the actual flight he was fine as long as I distract him. We were snuggled up on his seat, but then the loudspeaker chirped. It said that we are about to land, and I feel Freddy tense up. "It's gonna be okay." I breathed, as I got up and sat on my seat. The plane started going down, and Freddy grabbed my hand suddenly. He clutched it tightly, and finally the plane landed. Freddy looked very relieved, like he always is once the planes land.

Freddy's pov:
I'm so glad that the last plane ride is over and done with. I never want to do that again. We climbed of the plane, and the band took a selfie.


@zackattack and 2749 others like this

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@zackattack and 2749 others like this.
We are back home, and the tour is officially over🥺! It's very sad to think about😖, as we made many memories and had lots of fun!

@freddy.hair: I miss new York 😣

@fremmerfan: your performances were awesome!

@abcs: 👍

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Short chapter🙃! I just want to say thank you to AlmaazAbdullah because you were one of my first readers of my first book Perfect and also this book💝. Anyways, I'm pretty sure next chapter will be the last, unless I get another idea.
Luv E💗

Do I Love Them? (Sequel To Perfect) Where stories live. Discover now