Chapter five

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This was my 2nd month into UA.

I happily walked down the halls, with Izuku at my side. I was smiling holding his hand, and some people stared at us. Almost everyone we passed by stared at us. I payed them no mind, and neither did Izuku.

We both made it to the classroom, and a lot of people stared at us. They've always stared at us for no reason.

Izuku looked like he didn't mind it, so I didn't either. Over the past two months, Izuku has been helping me with my Insomnia, sometimes he would sing me to sleep, and sometimes he would even sleep with me. I found another cure to my Insomnia, and that's sleeping with Izuku.

I'm so so so thankful that I have someone like Izuku. He was there for me when Miss Ishimada died fatally in a car crash. I cried so much that night, but Izuku told me the sooner I get over it the better I'll feel.

I'm trying to take care my myself and my mental health, and with the help of Izuku, I'm going amazing!

Anyway, I walk to my seat, and Izuku sits behind me. I turn around and start talking to him about my vacation I had with mom last week. It was amazing, we went to Chiang Mai in Thailand! It was so cool!

I told him all about my vacation until the bell rung. Then Sensei walked in, he greeted us in a rude way, then started teaching.

Halfway through the lesson, someone behind me taps my shoulder. I turn around, and Izuku hands me a note.

I take it and open it to read it.

I won't be able to come over tonight Katsuki, sorry. I have to help my dad with something. I'll come over tomorrow though! I hope your mom is doing alright.

-Izuku :)

I smile and get out a piece of paper to write a reply, but before I can sensei snatches the paper out of my hand.

"Is your conversation more important than my lesson?"

I gulp and shake my head. "No sir.. I'm sorry.."

He crumples the paper up and throws it in the trash and goes back to teaching. I let out a sigh of relief and continue to take notes.

After school

I'm sitting in my bed right now with headphones in my ears. I'm listening to hot n cold. This song reminds me of the boy that sits in the back of the classroom, the one with fire and Ice quirk.

Anyways,I'm very deep in thought. If Izuku was made up, then how did he magically appear in real life? I was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the doctors office a month ago, which means I will sometimes hallucinate and see things. So what if Izuku is just a hallucination? What if he's not real? No, Izukus real. He looks real, he feels real, and- he just is real!

Maybe I need some rest. I am pretty sleepy.

I turn my music all the way up and lay down, pulling my fluffy orange blanket over my body, slowly drifting off into a dreamless slumber.

She told me that she loved me by the water fountain, she told me that she loved me and she didn't love him and that was really lovely cause it was innocent

Sorry I love that song

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