Chapter four

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This was the day after I got into UA. My mom did something terrible.

I was walking home alone, enjoying the nice fresh air. It was a very sunny day today. I've always enjoyed these days.

I sighed as I open the never-locked door. I walked in and closed the door, locking it. I walked into the living room to tell mom how my day went. But I didn't even get the chance to step foot in there. I looked through the frame, and gasped.

My eyes widened. I saw my mom on the couch, blood dripping from her mouth, and a pill bottle next to her. I hurriedly ran up to her and looked at the name of the pills. Methamphetamine. I mentally cursed and shakily grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

I quickly dialed 1-1-9 and they answered almost immediately. I quickly told them the details and the address, wanting them to get here as fast as they could to save mom.

I dropped the phone and couldn't hear what the dispatch lady has to say. I was sitting on the floor next to the couch sobbing. It was very horrifying. I wished my mom wasn't so addicted to drugs. It really hurt for me, especially knowing that one day her heart will fail due to how often she takes pills that weren't even prescribed to her.

It became hard for me to breathe, and the tears were blurring my vision. All I could hear were the sirens nearby. The sound got closer, and closer. I jumped when I heard someone knocking loudly on the door.

I had to let them in. But I couldn't get up. No, I had to get up, if I wanted to save mom I need to get up! I quickly stood up, and ran to the door. I unlocked it and opened it, coming face to face with..




He looked at me, smiling. I was wondering why he came over.

"Hey Kacchan, why are you crying..?" Izuku asked, as if nothings happening.

"M-my mom.. s-she overdose a-and I- I don't-" I was cut off by Izuku pulling my into a hug. I immediately hugged back, wanting to feel some kind of comfort.



"Your mom isn't dead. She's alive, your hallucinating."

I was confused on what he was saying. I saw her, she was in the living room. She was dead!


Izuku took my hand, and led me to the kitchen, where he saw mom. She was sober, and she was making food.

My eyes widened, and I ran into the living room. There I saw..


There was no one in there. I was super confused.

Izuku appeared beside me, somehow. I turned towards him, and hugged him. I was crying so hard right now, I had no idea why I was crying. Maybe it was happy tears, knowing mom is alive and doing just fine now, made me happy.

"H-how.. I saw her dead.. s-she was on the couch.."

Izuku took me up to my room, and made me lay down. I was still crying so I tried to wipe my eyes to make the tears go away, but they kept coming.

Izuku went to my closet to get me something comfy to sleep in, and I was still trying to wipe the tears away. Why won't they go away?!

Izuku came back with black sweatpants and a white black shirt. I was so thankful for him right now.

"Katsuki you should change and get some rest." Just like that, Izuku left. Leaving me alone. I sniffled silently, trying to wipe the tears away. Finally, they went away. I was able to actually fall asleep now, I was so tired.

That was the day I realized I had schizophrenia.

I don't remember my update schedule so updates will be random now

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