Trihexia arc: ORC Meets Issei and Asia versions

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Rias: So uhhh these are?

Issei(Lancer); These faggots are my other versions... as you can see that half dragon-looking ass is my alternate ego or the very strong and very furious and angry faggot self.. and he is my berserker version...

Issei(Berserker): HEY!

Issei(Lancer): And this Guy here is my drunk mother fucker which is my saber version...

Issei(Saber): HEY!!!!

Issei(Lancer): and this is... my kid version...

All girls:" AAWWWW!!!!!

Issei(Kid): Ehh??? Big bro!!!

Issei: berserker: He is shy so yeah...

Irina: This brings back so many memories!!!

Issei(Lancer): Calm the ara ara energy Irina so yea...

???; So this is my original version?


Irina(Lancer): Me?

Irina(Alter): So this is me huh? Original...

Irina: Whya re you a fallen angel?

Irina (ALter): Under stupid things happening... sorry not telling...

Asia(Ruler): guys?

Rias; ASIA!!!

The orc then hugged her and then Asia is now under some people and Miyasato is deadpanned...

Miyasato: Seriously dude...

Issei(Lancer): Oh come on!!!!

Asia(Avenger): Guys????/

Rias: You're Asia right?

Asia(Avenger): Then had tears on her eyes and then she hugged Rias and Koneko....

Asia(Avenger): I thought you guys are....

Issei(lancer): Asia... they re not your world's Rias...

Asia(Avenger): I don't care... as long I can see them again.....

Miyasato:*Sigh* Lets just say she went through absolute shits...

Asia(Lancer): Such as trying to beat the shit out of me...


Asia(Ruler): I Also curse....

Rias: Oh right but this version of yours is...

Asia(Avenger): She started to do her thing like fighting after she was excommunicated...

Akeno: You mean that....

Asia(Lancer): I Started to fight a bloody war days after I was excommunicated... so yeah basically I started early not like this former stupid pervert here....

Issei(Assassin): HEY!!!

Koneko: It is bizarre that I saw so many Asia's and Issei's... My head Is about to explode.... ah...

Rossewiesse so these are the people you mentioned... Rias?

Rias; Yes... but the one holding the spear is Issei or rather our Issei and this is our Asia who is holding a big sword...

Asia(Avenger): Me?

Asia(ruler): ME???

Rias: Ah I mean the one who has green eyes.... heheheh

Asia(Ruler): Well my alter has gold eyes.... so you don't have to worry about it...

Kiba: Damn.... HOW MANY ASIA'S ARE HERE???

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