Prologue and Kuoh Academy

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Miyasato, a newborn baby with green hair was left outside the church in the town of Kuoh and he was found by a nun who works there and has been taking care of kids since she was assigned here along with the other sisters. 

The sisters are working for the children who are abandoned and they taught children about simple things and they also teach the words of God and they are taught about faith and many more. as for the young boys like Miyasato, they are taught about respect for women but also which women to respect which are the good ones only. And young girls like Xenovia, are taught that there are some men who still have a good heart and are respectful. Miyasato and Xenovia always play around the church as they grew up and they became close friends and he also helps the younger children like he is the older brother.

Nun 1: This boy, you will be blessed by God, You will be the beacon of hope in this world and the other.

Nun 2: He is a pure heart, I hope he keeps that sincere attitude towards others.

Nun 1: He is a child of God, his heart is close to god, Just like Xenovia.

Nun 3: Xenovia is like a knight and Miya is a protector. That's what makes him special.

With the kids.

Xenovia: Neh Miya, do you think about being adopted?

Miyasato: Hmmm well I want to be adopted but I cannot leave you here...

Xenovia: Awwww you are so sweet!

Xenovia hugs Miyasato tightly

Miyasato: Xenovia! too TIGHT!

Xenovia: Oh, Sorry...

Miyasato: It's ok.

Miyasato hugs Xenovia in a gentle manner.

Miyasato and Xenovia spent their time together until a fateful time comes when they are ten years old, Xenovia is now being adopted by The Quarta family and she has to say goodbye to Miyasato.

Miyasato: XENOVIA!!!

Xenovia: Miya?

Miyasato: I want to say congratulation on getting adopted and here I have a gift for you!

Miyasato: I want to say congratulation on getting adopted and here I have a gift for you!

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This will be a sign of our friendship... I know this will happen someday, so I prepared for this.

Xenovia: Miya...

Xenovia tears up and hugs Miya for the last time.

Xenovia: I will miss you...

Xenovia: I will miss you

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