Chapter One:

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The music pounded in his ears and bounced off the walls; he wasn't even high yet. Although, he certainly would be soon.

There was a stunning woman seated at the bar who'd captured every aspect of his attention and he was determined to take her home tonight, of course within the legal methods of doing so.

He'd been watching her from a corner of the club for quite some time, her red lipped smile taunting him, his friend made it a point to claim that he was a creep and that he'd go and tell her exactly so if he kept it up much longer.

"Knock it off. I'm trying to see if she's here with anyone and if she's the type that would get fucked up with me, that's all."

That wasn't all however but there wasn't a need for him to elaborate, and of course, he really did wanted to fuck her.

His friend, Matty, laughed briefly, "Alright mate, you do that. But, if you're planning on coming home, don't even try to fuck her on my bed, I'll kick your ass."

Harry chuckled and nodded slightly, "I'll keep that in mind, asshat."

Once again his eyes wandered to the woman at the bar.

Matty stayed silent after that, watching amusedly as his friend slash roommate essentially stalked the babe at the bar.

A few moments had drifted by before he was making his way through the mass of sweaty bodies, far beyond drunk at only ten o'clock, to attempt to score with the first woman who'd truly caught his eye since he dumped his previous girlfriend, Amy.

When he'd finally reached the bar and taken a seat beside her, he'd deliberately started with, "Vodka shots...nice. I prefer tequila but to each their own right?"

He'd quickly earned her attention and was instantly taken with just how attractive she was up close. Her blue eyes and full lips stunning him immediately.

The woman smiled, red lips sealed but enticing regardless, "Right."

Her voice was like honey to his ears and he found himself wanting to listen to her talk every second of every single day.

"I'm Harry."

She eyed him curiously, blue eyes scrutinizing every detail possible while slightly intoxicated, "Scarlett."

He nodded slightly, grin overtaking his face before he waived the bartender over and ordered another round before she had the chance to shoot him down.

The action only made her laugh and reply in a velvety voice, "Smooth."

Five shots later and he was whispering in her ear all of the dirty things he wanted to do to her and she was biting her lip and nodding eagerly.

After paying the bill as quickly as possible, he'd taken her hand and let her lead him back to her place, not wanting to look like a complete wanker by fucking her on the couch that he slept on.

Once they'd made it inside, she'd practically jumped him, attaching her soft lips to his instantly and pressing herself against him so that he could feel just about every inch of her even through her edgy clothes.

Instantly he'd gotten hard but he'd stopped her briefly to pull out a small bag with two little pills in it, sex was so much better on drugs and he hoped that she would agree.

"It's better on drugs. Wanna try it?"

Scarlett grinned and nodded quickly liking where things were going, "Already tried it before. Hell yes I want it."

His grin mirrored hers as he shook out the pills and she held out her tongue, smile seeping through as she waited patiently for the drug.

She was fucking great.

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