Chapter Thirteen:

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Harry was right; the first few nights were absolutely horrendous. She hated even agreeing to rehab in the first place the more time she spent there.

That strange girl kept watching her and withdrawal was the fucking worst. The assholes wouldn't even let her keep her cigarettes!

On a brighter side, she had actually managed to make a friend, his name was Noah.

"I got you an extra candy bar; I know how much you value them over the rest of the food here." He spoke as he held the bar of chocolate out for her to take.

Scarlett looked up from her book and smiled, "You're the best! God I wish I had some fucking cigarettes."

"Don't we all."

She laughed, "Yeah, but there's something else I want more than a damn drag."

He turned his head on the couch cushion to face her, "And what would that be?"

Scarlett mirrored his actions and raised an eyebrow, "Sex, what else?"

Noah raised his eyebrows, to which she rolled her eyes and continued, "With Harry, not you Noah."

"Right. Forgot that he wasn't just your fuck buddy anymore. Worth a shot."

She pretended that he'd suggested that and resumed her previous position, only this time she closed her book, "Funny how things work out sometimes. I'd be dead if it weren't for him if I'm being honest."

Noah rested his feet on the coffee table and turned his head so that he was once more looking out the overly cleaned window, "So are you just with him because you enjoy the sex and he kept you alive?"

Scarlett opened her mouth to answer only to close it to consider the thought. No, she wasn't with him for those reasons at all.

She shook her head, now sure of her answer, "No, I'm not. The sex is brilliant yes, but it's much more than that."

"Then tell me why you love him."

Scarlett hesitated, panicking at the mention of he word love, "I-I never said that I loved him..."

"Do you not?"

It was a good question; one that she didn't have an answer to.

When she didn't answer, he spoke again, "So, tell me. Then maybe I'll stop trying to get in your pants."

Scarlett sighed and looked down to her hands that rested atop the hardcover of her book, "I like the way that he smiles and the way he laughs. I like how he is so nice to me even when I'm a bitch to him, which is like all the time. I like the way he treats me, like I'm a flower that he doesn't want to wither away into oblivion. I like the way that he talks about life and the way that he looks at me. But most of all, I really like the way that he makes me feel inside that I can't quite explain to anyone else, I just like him."

Noah laughed, "Like is the wrong word sweetheart, you definitely love him."

"So this is what love feels like?" She asked as she smiled to herself at the thought.

Noah continued laughing softly and shook his head, "You're something else Scarlett. Yes, that's definitely love."

Scarlett smiled to herself, happy that she had finally gotten to experience love for herself, "I rather enjoy it in that case."

Noah looked to the clock on the far wall and bit his lip for some reason, "You should. I'll see you later, group session time once again. Bye Scarlett."

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