Chapter 9 - If we're not friends, someone else might love you too.

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Marcel who was sitting the furthest away from them, at the end of louis' bed, broke the ongoing chattering the three were having. Glaring at nothing at particular. "Why didn't you contact us Lou? we were worried. We didn't know what happened you just ran off that day, and you became radio silent we didn't know what to do."

"Aww Marcy, I didn't know you missed me." Louis teased him.

"Stop, it's not funny. We were worried." Marcel frowned. Crossing his arms.

"Well if you're so worried why didn't you all came and visit me earlier. Oh wait, you were busy with your new omega, I was so sick I couldn't even get out of bed let alone hold a phone, to contact you." Louis snapped. He pushed the tray away gently, he was closed to being done eating anyway as marcel made him a bit upset. Crossing his arms and looking over to his window with the blinds now wide opened curtesy of Edward.

"Louis I didn't mean it like that, you know how much we like her. You know I'm just worried and we didn't know what to do, we were also busy. I'm sorry if you felt that way. We didn't thought of it that much because we also thought that you were busy with James." Louis snapped his head after hearing the words left Marcel's mouth.

"What do you mean busy with James? What are you talking about." Louis asked leaning forward, and squinting his eyes at marcel. Making the latter squirm.

"Well, during the preparations of the sports fest we saw you and him talking and laughing. We didn't want to interrupt so we didn't approach you." Harry piped in.

"You two also looked cozy with each other, leaning his head over your shoulder." Edward added making a face, pursing his lips together, making a sound.

"Wait, hold up. What? Seriously what the heck? He approached me because he was asking me about Lottie. He said he wanted to court her. What do you mean leaning his head over my shoulder, he did that?" Louis explained, widening his eyes as he finished. Shocked to be finding out what the befriended alpha did just now.

"Yes he did! What if he's just saying he likes Lottie but really he's trying to make a move on you." Edward hissed, crossing his arms and giving louis a scrutinizing look. Making the omega roll his eyes, shoving Edward away but it not having any effect on the alpha, only grinning at louis. The small omega huffed, reaching for the paper bags that contain his said gift.

"You know I don't go out with anybody for a reason Edward, he knows that. Trust me, he likes lottie not me." Louis stated, opening the paper bag and a smile spreading over his face with what he saw, inside was a box with louis name written in calligraphy and a little note of " A care package for our Lou-Lou."

"You guys made me a care package." Louis whimpered, he felt his whole body going soft suddenly with the love he was receiving. He looked at harry when he felt the alpha touched him, Marcel also moved to be close with louis too.

"We also made you a cd playlist and bought you a new blanket that's in another bag, it's has our scent in it because we know how much you love our scent." Harry whispered to him, kissing his neck. Louis looked at his eyes and all he saw was pure love and adoration his best friend had for him, and it hurts his heart. No matter how hard, he kept on falling for them, it was too much and not enough at the same time. No matter what his heart will always be fooled. He love them, but they don't and it will always stay like that.

"You guys are the best, I don't deserve you three." Louis pouted, opening his care package and picking up a marshmallow that almost fell, even with a runny nose and sore throat Louis still looked pretty and cute, in Edward's thoughts as he looked at the omega who now happily munch on the chocolates, scrunching his nose trying to breathe through it.

"Of course you deserve it and we were worried so we wanted to make you something to make you feel better." Harry wiped away the fallen tears that left louis eyes down to his cheeks, the omega only whimpering a small "Sorry."

"Don't be, we know how you get emotional whenever you're sick." Edward said, kissing Louis' temple. Marcel who was quiet, only snuggle closer to louis laying his head on Louis thighs and caressing his hips.

"You don't understand how much I love you guys." Louis looked at them lovingly, an underlying double meaning behind his words that the alpha didn't caught.

"Of course we do, because we love you the same."

Marcel mumbled sleepily, burying his face on the omega's soft stomach, the three also laying down after Edward and Harry put away the tray and gifts. The two alphas snuggling close to each of Louis side. The omega only patted Marcel's hair in appreciation.

Louis only sighed as a one last thought drifted his head before he fell asleep with the people he love close to him.

"You really don't."

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