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Emerson POV:

"Oh my gosh they didnt" Mel exclaims taking her smoothie off the blender.

"They did! And after that my dad went on about how hard it was to get me out of school and how much they missed me" I complain, signalling her to give me some.

"Wanna stay here then babagorl?" Daniel whispers in a deep voice over my shoulder.

Startled, I turn around and whack him, he must've come back from the gym he's all sweaty and wearing workout clothes.

"Chill woman" he defends before drinking Leila's smoothie only to be whacked again by her.

"Daniel I have told you so many times to not call me woman!" I exclaim annoyed.

"I'm sorry i don't mean it in any misogynistic way it's a part of street slang i've picked up babe" He defends and apologises with his hands up in surrender.

Leila laughs before speaking, "He is right though, you could always stay here. I mean we've got more then enough room" Lucky assures.

"I should be fine, I'll go back later though" I say eating some chopped up pineapple.

"Alright, text us if you need us though" she said, clearly concerned. I nodded before going upstairs to find everyone else.

With the Russo family
Giovanni POV

"Fuck she's a brat, I thought sending her off would teach her some damn manners" Xavier exclaimed.

"Yes we all fucking get it Xavier, she's a brat, she has no manners, she doesn't listen, she's not family - that's all you talk about now and honestly just shut up, it doesn't benefit anyone and if anything just makes the whole situation worse so keep your thoughts to yourself unless you genuinely have a good idea on how to fuck to improve yourself" I spit back.

"Okay, okay let's calm down and shes a smart girl who's going through a lot right now, she does need time and if I ever had to leave for even just 2 months and came back in a bad mood, you would all understand" our mother says trying to make peace.

Xavier and Matteo go upstairs together, Xavier out of rage and Matteo for support.

Just as dad opened his mouth to lecture me, Emerson walked through the door looking absolutely ruined.

As everyone turned to her she looked at us through her hair and walked upstairs.

I sighed before going off to the kitchen, my mum following close behind.

"This whole situation cant get any worse, can it?" She says putting her head in her hands sitting at the island.

"Sure it can" dad replies walking in, "she's packing to go stay with her hooligans of friends to have a 'break'" Dad uttered frustration clear in his voice.

"May said that the school didn't even provide her the money we were sending monthly so in her books we just abandoned her!" He finished sitting next to mama.

"I mean we kind of did" I say getting up to grab mum a water.

"What? Of course we didn't, we sent her there to keep her and our household at peace" he defended himself, "gee and what a great job that's done" I scoff handing the water to my mother.

She thanks me under her breath while my dad continues scolding me for 'not understanding' his perspective on sending away my sister.

I just walk out, not having the energy to argue, he follows behind but once I get to my room he gets the memo I'm not even listening.

I lie in my bed scrolling through random posts on any and all apps until there's a knock on my door.

That's new, like nobody in this house knocks. "Come in" I answer and to my surprise it's Emerson.

"Hey, dad told me I couldn't go to my friends and we were planning on having a movie day to get my mind off what happened at dinner and considering I can't go anymore I was wondering if you'd wanna?" She rambles.

I immediately sit up, "yeah of course, theatre room or your room?" I ask walking down the hall with her.

"Either, I don't mind what would you rather?" She replies calmly.

"Well your room would be easier to set up and dad definitely got you the biggest TV considering its the same size as the one in his room" I reply and we make our way to her room.

Emerson POV:

Honestly, we weren't even gonna watch movies at Daniels, I just heard Gio defending me against dad before and I can't lie it made me feel special.

I turned on the TV as he grabbed the remote and we sat down on the couches. I threw him a blanket as we browsed through the movies, settling on The Lost City.

We made some small talk and jokes through it, once a couple movies ended we didn't even bother turning a new one on cause we were already in conversation.

"I miss you" he says mid sentence of me explaining how I broke my foot, "I'm right here?" I reply confused.

"I mean I miss the old you, I love new you but I hate that I didn't get to say goodbye properly, and I had to meet you like a brand new person" he says his voice laced with guilt.

"I just got older" I shrug, he nods "you've changed a lot from then- in case you didn't notice" he chuckles.

I smile before responding "so has the world" before leaning into him.

Right as I open my mouth to say something we get interrupted by yelling in the hallway.

"You don't understand, it's like I don't even know you anymore!"

Gio and I open my door and peek at the argument out of curiosity. Low and behold it's my mother and father having a yelling competition in the corridor with all our bedrooms.

"What so you want to leave? I brought your daughter back, I raised your sons, I gave you a beautiful luscious life and this is how you repay me? I love you more then life itself and you can't even be bothered to give back half that love!" Dad exclaims running his hands through his hair.

"Lorenzo just cause you love me doesn't mean i feel loved by you! I know that we both know I love you more then anything in this damn world, my life revolves around you and these kids now and you can't tell me otherwise." She hisses

"Falling in love with you was the biggest mistake of my life" she spits with venom.

Dad looks hurt at the last sentence, "well you know the way out, don't you?" He scoffs pulling out his gun.

"You wanna leave the mafia? Feel free there is no escape. You don't get to argue that you love me while claiming it's your biggest mistake? Fucking mental" he shakes his head turning safety off.

I'm about to make a move into the hallway to stop him but Gio holds me back, I turn to him confused but he only signals me to the 3 other brothers watching from their rooms who also haven't made any advances and how the others just haven't bothered to come see.

Is this a usual occurrence for them?

More yelling drags my attention back to our parents, "It's a mistake cause I can't stop loving you, not cause I hate you! I love every part of your stupid, dumb flaws and how you literally manage to find yourself in the stupidest of situations like now! Honestly, your pointing a gun at me threatening to shoot me- infront of our childrens bedrooms? You have some damn nerve Lorenzo" Mum snarls before walking down the stairs.

Dad lowers his hand, looking at it in disgust, he drops his gun and follows her down soon after.

The sound of doors closing sounds the halls seconds after, "I should probably head back to my room" Gio says smiling.

I give him a tight lipped smile, "I had fun, thanks for that" he says before I close my door.

Well, today was fun for majority of it.

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