Talk Of The Town

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The reporter that Chris went to was very nice though.  Again, Megan was there, and closer now that people were shouting things.  Chris Hemsworth walked by and everything paused for a moment.  He hugged Chris and I heard him congratulating him, while Elsa was introducing herself and hugging me, also congratulating me.  I heard through the two Chris' talking that the news was being told to the other Marvel actors as reporters were trying to get more information by asking if they already knew.  The couple switched, Elsa moving to my Chris and Hemsworth to me, saying he was eager to catch up with us to get to know me better sometime soon. 

It was like a whirlwind at this point for me.  My Chris turned back toward the reporter with a fancy little twirl motion, reaching for my right hand again.  I caught on now as to why he was making a point to stay on my right side, obviously letting my ring finger not be hidden.  He apologized and began talking with the man still waiting to interview him.  "Sorry man.  As you can see, not many people know yet.  We try to enjoy these little pieces of life together before we are ready to share it.  I've learned that I like our little bubble we live in."

The man put his hand on his chest, his expression looked like he had seen a litter of the cutest puppies with big bows on their heads.  It made me smile, the reporter noticing and speaking directly to me.  "How do you handle that kind of talk?"

Looking up at Chris, I could tell he was playing it up a little which made me smile bigger causing him to tilt his head, knowing I was on to him.  "Well, you know, to everyone else he is Chris Evans the celebrity, or Steve Rogers, and soon he will be Buzz Lightyear, but to me, he's just my Chris and has been since the day we met, so I'm used to it."

If I didn't know better, the man had hearts in his eyes at this point instead of his irises and pupils.  He started in with the invasive questions next though.  "So, do you know the date, the venue, ... where you're going to live?  Is Dodger going to be in the wedding? All the good stuff?"

Chris shook his head.  "We're keeping all of those answers to ourselves and the people closest to us."

"Okay, well how about the wedding party?  Has it been picked?"  Chris gave the man a look that let him know he wasn't answering and thanked him as Megan escorted us to the next set of markers for pictures.  More people were yelling out to Chris, asking if he was really engaged and he just smiled and nodded, at times holding up my hand making me giggle.

Scarlett ended up behind us and the cameras continued flashing as she walked up.  Turning, I saw the smile on her face before she grabbed me, wrapping her arms around me, speaking just so Chris and I could hear.  "Apparently the two of you have stolen the show.  It's all anyone is talking about all the way up the line and I couldn't be happier if it's true."

Chris leaned over before she could say anything too loudly, telling her it was true but we weren't saying much in front of the cameras and he'd fill her in later.  She did seem genuinely happy and I knew what they had intimately ended a long time ago.  I had to get over any hesitation I had about her because she was one of Chris' good friends and they had known one another for a long time.  I hugged her back, thanking her as she kept praising everything about me and how happy she was that I was settling the man child down. 

As she hugged Chris, congratulating him, her husband, Colin, caught up to us.  He had been tied up with a friend at the marker for the photographer right before where we were, so Scarlett was talking to us while she also was waiting on him. She really was nice and so beautiful, even more so in person. 

As soon as she had let go of Chris, his arm found my back once again.  I did have to give him one thing, he was very attentive when it came to me and it made me swoon.  At all times, except when people were shaking our hands or hugging us because they had heard the news, we were touching. He was either holding my hand, had his arm bent for my hand to hold his elbow or his arm around my waist. As soon as the hug or handshake of congratulations or hello was over, the contact between us was back. A few instances it was even his lips on my temple or at my ear talking just to me. For most of the handshakes, his other arm would remain around my back or his free hand still in mine. 

A Whole New World...Or Possibly LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora