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When Yibo was desperate looking for Zhan, he received a phone call from Zhan's Dad.

"Yibo, Zhan is home already...!" Zhan's dad informed him.

"Where has he been? Is he alright?" Asked Yibo.

"Yeah! He 's fine. Only a little bit drunk! He came home sent by his friend...!" Replied Zhan's Dad.

Drunk? Friend? Zhan went to drink with his friend? Which friend?

"Who 's his friend? Boy?" Asked. Yibo.

"Yah! I thought you know him. He said he took some classes which are the same as yours in the same faculty...!"

"I.... Never mind. Where's Zhan now?"

"He 's sleeping now. Do you want to come over if it's alright to you?"

Yibo shook his head.

"No. I'll go there tomorrow morning. We have class in the afternoon only...!"

"Alright, then! You better take more rest. Otherwise, you're get sick again....!"

"Ok. Thanks, Uncle. Bye."

Yibo cut the call. He was wondering who's the  friend that  Zhan go out with? As long as he befriends Zhan, he never seen Zhan go with other friends without him. And he even turns off his phone. Are they...?

Yibo shook his thought away. Zhan only went out with a friend. He has no control on Zhan about whoever he wants to befriend with. It's fine as long as he's Zhan's only best friend and those "friends" won't harm Zhan.

Yibo spun his bike to go back to his house. He decided to have rest first before he go to Zhan's house in the morning.

Morning aroused. Yibo stretched his body on the bed. He rubbed his cheek which got the pillow mark on it. Last night he had a good rest after the night before and in the day he was very restless after Zhan's advise. If Zhan doesn't have the same feeling toward him, he won't be able to force him. He didn't wan to ruin their friendship with his desire. Let Zhan be Zhan he used to know. But sooner or later, he has to be honest to him about his different sex orientation.

An hour later, Yibo has sit on his bike. He put his helmet on his head. A car came into the car porch. A man, still young but older than Yibo climbed down the car. He looked at Yibo. He's Yibo's big brother.

"Going to the campus already, Bo?" He asked his little brother. He slammed the car door shut.

"Naa... I'm going later on. Now I want to go to Zhan's house first!" Replied Yibo.

"Whoaa...! You only didn't see him a day, and you already missing him like crazy! Does he know about you?" Asked his brother without a little tease.

"Shut up! Zhan is my friend...!" Said Yibo, glaring at his brother. He started the engine and pulled the speed bar to roar the engine to get hot first. Then he kicked the stand up and brought his bike away from home.



I wake up in the morning when Mom shakes my head.

"Zhan! Your friend is here!" Informs Mom.

"Huh? Yibo?"

I get up abruptly and sit on the bed. But the pain on my head attacks me immediately. I growl and holding my hair.

"That's why! Don't drink until you drunk!" Mom retorts

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