Another day gone by with broken dreams

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The bus was really full, and my stomach growled as we made our way down the highway. Bellamy had been quiet for a little while now, I thought he had fallen asleep. He heard my stomach noises and looked at me with an amused expression, "princess is hungry."

"I was too worried about getting on the bus before Finn found me that I forgot to eat," I sighed and looked at the passing signs, "hopefully we stop at a gas station or something soon."

"Well can you stop making noises? I'm trying to read," I realized he was holding a book in his hands. I hadn't seen him pull it out of his bag.

I yawned and put my hands against my stomach, "so what happened to you? Octavia didn't talk a lot about where you went or how you were. She seemed sad though. She missed you."

Bellamy closed his book and sighed. He was annoyed I could tell he just wanted to read his book, but I wanted to hear what he had been up to for the last few years, "yeah she tried to get them to let me stay. But they didn't care, they were set on sending me off to that goddamn school."

I raised an eyebrow, "boarding school?"

He nodded and cleared his throat, "yeah. Boarding school first. I was there for two years until they kicked me out. After that it was boot camp. I was old enough so they sent me there to learn how to behave, seeing as I didn't know how to. What they didn't understand was that I wanted to go home. I wanted to be with my sister, but they didn't listen."

I felt horrible for hating him. I let out a slow breath, "what happened at boot camp?"

He closed his eyes, "I should've stayed at that boarding school. Boot camp was terrible, it was everything you can imagine and worse. There was no talking there was only yelling. There were no questions you did as you were told. Every morning they searched our bunks and every night they had to be spotless. It was hard," his lip twitched and I could tell he was reliving something horrible, "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy."

"I'm sorry Bellamy. I wasn't your favorite person, but at least I never wanted them to send you away either."

He shrugged, "I could handle everything that happened there, I'm pretty tough. The worst of it all was at night when I started to miss Octavia. She's my sister, my responsibility. I didn't know how she was doing, if she was okay. I was too far away. It killed me."

I reached out and picked up his hand, before I could think about what I was doing. My heart was hammering as he looked at me, "she was okay. I took care of her for you."

He smiled and we both thought about his sister. She wasn't the most graceful person when it came to certain things. She put her whole heart into everything she did, and didn't think before she jumped. We looked out for her so she didn't end up getting into trouble, or worse getting her heart broken.

I met my best friend when I was a baby. We spent our naps in the same crib and ran around in the same sandbox when we got old enough to walk. Octavia was more my family than my mother was, she was the sister I never got to have. I loved her, and I understood how hard it was to leave her behind. I had done the same thing, except mine was by choice.

He cleared his throat, "so I told you my story, what happened in yours? I mean you left my sister behind too."

I swallowed and let go of his hand, "I met Finn a little bit after my life fell apart. I finished my last semester before Med school, but I couldn't push myself to go through with more schoolwork. My heart wasn't in it anymore, and Finn fit what I was looking for. He was nice and funny, he was sweet and charming. He asked me to follow him down south where we could be together."

He nodded his head slowly, "I never saw you as that girl," his deep voice sent shivers down my spine, "I always thought you were independent and stronger than that."

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