My head keeps on telling me that this is a bad idea, that this will not end up well but my heart keeps on telling me that there is nothing bad about falling in love.

I went to the shower, took a bath and afterwards I was reafy for school. I grab my car keys and started heading to my car.

When I arrive at school, everybody was just buzzing and running as the first bell started to ring. Well as I enetered my first class I was seated at the back of the class.

As the day goes on it went by a blur, nobody wants to talk to me nor come near me (Yeah I am that weirdo at the back kind of person)or in the event that they do approach me I just ignore them and tell them I am asocial. As what I have observed they already have their small groups, well this what I get for being enrolled late.

I was at the last class I have for today when suddenly a cute boy who has a soulless cold grey eyes, who was about 5'11 tall, wearing a nike t-shirt, blue jeans and sneakers came near me.

"I can't help to notice that you're all alone by yourself all day." He said with a crisp cold voice.

I didn't say anything I just smiled at him.

He shouted at me which made all of my classmates turn there heads at me. There was a moment of silence then,

"OOOHHHHH! BURN!!" One of classmates started to shout and laugh at each other.
I was still in shock.
"Man what a loser!" said another guy while he laugh.
He turned his back and went back to his circle of friends, but before he could do so I came after him and tap his shoulders.
When he turned around I clenched my hand into a fist and struck his face with a mighty force. Which made him fall down to his back.

There was a long pause.
"not so tough now you little ass bitch" I said with a smirk on my satisfied face

"Is he dead?" One girls asked.
He stood up and wipe the blood running down his nose, his eyes was full of hatred as he glared at me.

The bell rung and I hurriedly got my bag and ran outside till I reach the parking lot.

I stopped running when I've reached my car and catched my breath.

As I went inside my car, started the car and drove my way home.

When I arrived home I went up stairs and got ready for our date it was already 4:40 p.m when I arrived home.

When I finally arrived there Manzoor was already sitting on a bench waiting for me, I was 3 meters away from him, I stop and stared at him. I lost myself when he finally looked my way a big grin dance along his lips which made my heart skipped a beat.

He stood up and then walked towards me then when he was already infront of me he kneeled one knee down.

My heart was racing fast, this is it his gonna ask me to be his girl what do I do now. God my brain feels like exploding.

Then when I looked down on him he was just tying one of my shoe laces. "Oh" thought my brain in dismay.

He stood up and looked me in the eye and said.
"Hey gorgeous, you're late"
"Sorry I was having trouble at school. So what now?" I said.

"Well close your eyes." He said smiling.
"Why? Are playing a prank on me?" I said with a bit of intimidation in my voice.
"No just close your eyes." He said in a firm voice.

So I did close my eyes. Then suddenly I felt his hands slowly sliding down my hips and as he pulls me close I can feel my heart beat out of my chest.

I can feel his warm strong chest against mine. He whispered in my ear "Mia I love you, I don't know why I just do." His voice was full of sincerity that I couldn't help but open my eyes and just stare straight in his eyes. "Mia will you be mine?" He continued.

There was a moment of silence then...
"Can I get one last hug as a friend?" I said in a firm voice.

There was a pang of pain in his eyes.

"Cause tomorrow I will be your girlfriend already." I continued grinning at him

He pulled me closer, look me in the eye and bit his lip (Gad really I wanna scream and shout he's really driving me crazy) then slowly he lean in close and give one of the best kiss I ever had in the world.

I can feel my face turning red. As he pulled himself away from me I can see that his face was also red.

Then he stared at me and wink and starts grinning like a madman.

"I am starving come let's go and eat dinner" he said as he grab hold of my hand and took me in a café.

Lost In The UNKNOWNजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें