The Broken Vow

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"Trip, trip, drop goes the rain,
trip, trip, drop goes the pain.
so many things I'm dying to say,
but I'm
not gonna beg you to stay."

Hey! I'm Mia that is what every body calls me but my real name is Miara Gabes.

I am 25 years of age with a long brown-ish hair and a dazzling hazel eyes. Okay I might be exagurating about the
dazzling part but hey that is what they tell me and my height, I am a bit tall with the height of 5'5 ft.

I know I should be a model, but nah I look like a potato.
I'll start my story here in our city where I just moved in a few years ago.
It was a rainy day in Ulric.

I was strolling down the central park wearing my blue jacket , striped sweatshirt, pants and shoes.

I was holding close my umbrella afraid that the mellow wind would somehow blow it away .

I always loved the rain and how it made people rush, thrush, run and find cover.

I was sitting in the middle of the park just observing all the buzzing cars going back and forth, the people running here and there ,complaining about how the weather is.

I even saw a man tripped and roll down a bunch of stairs I feel sorry, but I have to admit it was a bit funny. He looked like a ball bouncing off those stairs.( Okay I know it's mean)

What I love about the park is the old mill and the church ruins by the sides of this colorful trees whose leaves are slowly turning from lush green to the color of sunset.

I do admit it is a little muddy but I still love the weather.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and put my headphones on and listened to Marianas Trench -Fall Out.

I don't know why I love this song maybe because it reminds me of my last relationship with a boy whom I had loved so much.

I loved him very much that I was willing to oppose his parents and put up a fight.

His name was Manzoor he had this strong chest, amazing smile and hazel brown eyes. His about 5'11 ft. tall, he has this broad, warm and strong shoulders. Everything about him seemed so perfect. Well too perfect actually.

Till that faithful day when he decided to wreck my sanity and smash my heart into thousands of pieces.

I can still remember that day as if it was just yeterday. It was 7 years ago...

It was midsummer in the afternoon I was walking down the streets of Shizune Ville, the weather is very warm. I was coming over to his house bringing a batch of newly baked cookies,as I stopped and parked my car a few blocks away from their home a mellow breeze pass by me making my hair sway and the smell of freshly baked cookies made the light breeze the passed by so sweet...

It was another perfect day as I arrived at their doorstep I rung the bell and nobody answered so I opened the door and let my self in as always.

When I entered the front door I saw him sitting beside a girl with his parents they all looked at me as if I was an intruder.

My heart skipped a beat which was really painful, as I saw the girl beside him gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. It felt like my eyes are gonna explode with tears and face red hot with anger as I feel the grip of jealousy grip around my heart, why that little bitch I am gonna tear her limb from limb and feed her dead carcass to the rats... but I forced myselft to stay strong and restrain myself from murdering anyone. My thoughts are racing, I clenched my jaw and smile.

His mother smiled weakly and asked me to take a set. While his father gaze upon me with distaste written all over his face.

I was going to sit next to my love but the girl glared at me as if I was about to take her candy away from her so I just went and sat at the couch next to them. Well I have to admit the girl sitting beside him looks younger than me about 16 or 15 years old.

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