Sort your shit out

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Ariana's pov

Y/n and I have been dating for about a year now and the past couple of months have been rocky she's been hanging around a lot of bad influences she's now smoking and drinking every day and I'm not going to stand by and watch her destroy herself.

she's still asleep since she didn't get into like 5 am.

I head downstairs to let the dogs out and facetime Courtney to kill some time till she wakes up.

"Heyy bitch" she says


"What's got you in a shitty mood"


"Why what's she done do I need a bat?" she asks

"What, no dumbass she didn't come home till 5 this morning either coming home high or drunk as shit for the past few weeks I just don't know what to do court she's driving me insane." I finish with my little rant.

"Girl sounds like you need to talk to her about this she isn't a mind reader but I also get your point she's out doing God only knows what and you are at home worrying about her".

I hear y/n coming downstairs

"Morning love, hey court," she says her voice still raspy

"Ay dumbass once ari has spoken to you ill be having words with you," Courtney says giving her a look.

"Okay mum,"y/n says holding her hands up.

"Well ari I will let you two talk  any problems you know you can call me"

"Don't worry court ill call you later" I say hanging up and turning to y/n.

"What have I done now," she asks

" y/n your out every fucking night with people you hardly know drinking taking drugs while I'm at home worrying about your stupid ass because you don't come home till 5 am you've shut me out y/n I wanna know why," I say throwing my hands up

She laughs

"What's funny about this?"

" so what it's my fucking life Ariana if I wanna go out with my friends and have a good time I will".

"You are being such an asshole"

"How am I being an asshole for going out with my friends and having a good time?"

"You know what y/n see until you sort your shit out I don't want you here," I say tears filling my eyes.

"Are you being serious right now?" she asks

"Yes, I'm not going to sit and watch you slowly kill yourself I can't do it," I say my voice breaking

She pulls me into a hug kissing my head repeatedly.

"I'm sorry Ariana"

I nod and just cuddle into her more letting her continue.

"I've just been in a dark place the past couple of weeks I know that's not an excuse but I just feel so fucking numb and I hate talking about this sort of thing so I turn to drugs and alcohol which isn't the best option, I'm so sorry for shutting you out I've never had a stable support system so I'm not used to talking about my problems I promise I will cut this shit out." she finishes looking everywhere but me.

I turn her head to meet her y/e/c eyes

"I will help you in any way I can but please if you feel like this just talk to me you know you can trust me baby, I just want to help you," I say kissing her cheek.


"How about we cuddle and watch some movies?" I ask her.

" marvel and Scary ones?"


She picks me up and puts me over her shoulder carrying me to our room.

We spend the rest of the day watching all her favourite movies sneaking kisses in between.

A/n sorry if it's shit again I'm half asleep writing but oh well.

Ariana grande imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن