"best friend"

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Ari and you have been best friends since high school she's been there for you through all you bullying for being born different and you've been there for her during her best and worst moments you've seen her become the amazing women she is now.

You've also had to deal with her being all inlove with someone other than you, but you know that you cannot let her know because things will get weird between you and you didn't want to loose your best friend .

Right now you were sat at the studio laying on the couch while ari is recording a song for ag7 it's not that you didn't love to hear ari sing it was the fact yall had been there for hours and you were getting tired also something about her singing is therapeutic.

She came out the booth and saw you laying there asleep which made her heart warm at the sight both of y'all had feelings for each other but none of you were bold enough to make a move incase you ruin the friendship between you guys.

she tried to snap a picture of you laying cuddled up with a pillow but her flash was on waking you up catching her red handed.

"Taking pictures of people asleep are we now grande"

"Oh shut up you looked cute" she says making you blush

Luckily she was too busy on her phone to notice

"Alright we can go since your ass can't keep your eyes open" she says grabbing her stuff

"Bro ain't my fault you got a good set a pipes now is it"


You had just realised how inappropriate that seems

"Ay not like that get your mind out the gutter  your voice is therapeutic that's what I meant" you as holding the door for her.

"Mhm whatever you say"

You laugh and shake your head and yall walk down to her car

"Your staying tonight"

"Do I have a choice in the matter"

"Oh I wasn't asking I was telling"

"Yes ma'am"

you arrive at her house and walk inside and play with the dogs before collapsing on the couch.

Ari puts her stuff down and jumps on you

You groan "why" you ask her as you sit up while she sat in your lap

"well remember you promised the next time we hung out we'd watch movies"


she cheers and hugs you kissing all over your face which made butterfly's erupt in your stomach

"But I ain't watching that Harry Potter shit that would bore you to tears"

She gasps

"Take that back right now"

"What you gonna do if I don't"

"You'll regret it" she says trying to pin you down but you turn her over and pin her down.

"What was that" you ask with a smirk

She knees you in the dick making you hunch over in pain.

"WhAt WaS ThAt" she mocks you

You just continue to groan holding your dick

"That was just evil grande"

"Aw baby I'm sorry" she says pushing you back so she can sit on your lap and you rest your head on her shoulder and wrap your arms around her small frame.

"Want me to kiss it better" she asks with a smirk on her face

You lift your head so fast you thought you gave yourself whiplash.

"Ooh your getting bold"

She laughs

"But if your offering I mean" you say with a smirk on your face.

She looks at you for a moment before crashing her lips on yours it takes you a second to register what's happening and kiss back.

You  pull away when air becomes a problem

"What was that" you ask

"Me shooting my shot" she says giving you a wink

"Ooh nah don't do that wink shit again you look creepy"

"Way to ruin a moment y/n" she says making you chuckle

"What I was just saying"

"Oh shut up" she says kissing your lips for a second time

So much for being best friends huh

A/n sorry this is shitty but I have ran out of inspo plus it's 3am and I'm literally half asleep writing this.

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