You suprise her on tour

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Ariana's been on tour for three months now and you were bored shitless you couldn't go with her because your manager/ best friend was being a dick and setting up interviews left right and centre.

You had enough you missed your girlfriend and your buddy Myron so you called your manager dean.

"Dean I'm gonna be joining Ari on tour I don't give a shit if you got interviews lined up cancel them I've been working my ass off and frankly I miss my girlfriend". You say

"Well hello to you too y/n how long do you plan on joining her on tour?"

"eh I don't know mate to be honest with you I was thinking maybe for the rest of it".

"Do you plan on telling her your joining her"

"Naw I messaged Joan and told her I was gonna be joining them in Paris and then be there for the uk part of the tour and maybe go visit my grandad" you explain to him

"Alright y/n I can't exactly stop you but once you come back to LA your gonna need to work twice as hard in the studio, anything else you need."

You do a little victory dance

"Um could you do me a massive favour and let me borrow your jet"

"Pushing your luck y/l/n I'll call and have the jet sorted for you".

"Thanks dean appreciate it".

You hang up and rush to go pack up your things excited to be finally reunited with ari after three long months.

(Skip the plane ride and car ride from the airport to the venue)

Joan was distracting Ariana while bri and Scott snuck you in you stopped and said hi to all the dancers and spoke to them for a couple of minutes before the excitement starts building up yet again Damn you felt like one of the fans waiting outside the Arena.

You stop outside her dressing room door and hear her sighing from outside you look at your phone to see she's left you a bunch of messages and missed calls shit.

you put your phone back into your into your pocket and knock on the door of the dressing room .

She opens the door her nose deep still in her phone not even noticing it was you at the door.

"Hey my love"

Her head shoots up "BABY!" She jumps on you wrapping her arms and legs around you, you walk into the room seeing Joan, nonna, frankie and hale.

You greet them ari still refusing to let go of you

"I can't believe your here how long are you here for"she says peppering kisses all over your face

"Just two days" you decide to mess with her and you see her face drop a little.


"Baby I'm joking I'm here for the rest of your tour but when we get to Scotland I'm gonna go see my grandad for a little"

She squeals

"You have no idea how much I've missed you"she says laying her head in your neck leaving little kisses.

You take a seat on the couch with Ariana still wrapped around you and Myron runs over to you licking your face.

"Myron leave my baby alone you can have her later now this is my time" ari puts him on the floor making you laugh

"Don't do my buddy like that"

"mhm you wanna sleep on the floor with your buddy tonight be my guest"

"You and I both know that your ass will drag me into that bed with you"

A/n another chap small one as I've ran out of ideas lol

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