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7. Missing him, perhaps.

Orsetev Dan ( YOU )

I WAS EXTREMELY BORED. It had been about a week since I last talked to Han Seojun. I was doing pushups when my cellmate, Min Mogeon, lifted me and slammed me against the wall. I was used to it, so I wasn't really surprised. It was a thing that happened monthly, if not weekly. My other cellmates, Oh Morah and Kim Hanseo, quickly stood up and watched as he punched my face.

I let out sharp gasps after each punch. I spat blood on his face to show him how much those punches made me respect him. "You  b-" I spat in his mouth as he opened it to finish his insult, he screamed in disgust as he backed up. "Get her, don't just stand there!" Min Mogeon pointed at me while brushing his tongue aggresively with his other palm. 

"Disgusting, who knows what else you have touched?" I stared disgustedly as I watched him do so. "Hey, Orsetev!!" Oh Morah punched me in the stomach as the other cellmate, Kim Hanseo, pulled me by the hair. It hurt, it really did. But I wasn't gonna let these guys torment me mid routine any longer.

"To hell with you lowlife bastards!" I gathered strength and got on my knees, pulling Hanseo closer to me and making him lose balance. My short hair made it an easier task, I grabbed his hands, dug my nails into his arms and tightened my grip. He yelped and I used the opportunity to gather strength and lift him. The next five seconds were enough to have the guy on the ground, rubbing his arms where I injured him with my nails. 

Morah then came at me, punching my face. He punches like a professional wrestler, and he wasn't afraid to hurt a woman like me. He killed his own sixteen-year-old daughter. "I'll teach you a lesson, you brat!" He yelled as loud as he probably could, since his voice was very raspy. "Quiet down, please!" I groaned while wiping the blood that came out of my nose with my hand. 

Morah and Mogeon, who were over the spat I gave, gathered around me. Hanseo was also quick to join. "You guys have no chill. To think you would need to team up just to fight a defenseless woman?" The three of them were over done with me, Morah and Hanseo grabbed me by each arm, pulling them back. Mogeon smiled victoriously while unbuttoning my orange shirt. "You're a demon!" I scoffed while yelling these words.

"I'll give you a good punishment, you've been very bad..." Mogeon continued to say, admiring my abs. "Why, I am ripped as-" I was interrupted by Mogeon's hard slap. My ponytail was all messed up, my hair tie was bound to break at any moment. Of course, that wasn't necessary. Mogeon pulled out my hair tie with such aggression, my hair quickly went down and my long bangs covered my face. 

"Orsetev Dan, you should really watch your mouth," Mogeon said as he started to punch my stomach with frustration and anger. I groaned and let out sharp gasps every now and then. I was just too proud to show that every punch hurt. There was a point where I ran out of breath, but Mogeon stopped punching me because he noticed. Not out of simpathy, but because he wanted to do that again. 

Then the cops came in, they put us down. Thanks to my attitude, two years were added to my sentence. I was frustrated, I was really looking forward to meeting Han Seojun out of jail sooner. I guess I should have listened to him when he told me to behave. 


"Your weeks are over, Han Seojun will not be coming over to see you anymore. Please, stop asking me about him!" The flabby lady stood before me, she was obviously irritated by my presence. "Well, maybe I wanna see him again. Can I? Please? I didn't even get to see him before our time ended!" I begged, which was unlike me. But I wanted to see the guy again. 

"How would I know anything about the guy? I don't even know him!" She rolled her eyes. I slammed my fist on the table, this made her jump, since she was sitting just on the other side. "Find out more about him, his phone number should be enough." I said in a serious tone. 

"You're out of your mind, why would I do that for you?!" The old rag scoffed and looked me up and down in disbelief. "Because I can set you up with mister cop over there" I signaled with my eyes, making the woman look the way my eyes were looking. There stood the tall, "hot," cold police man. "You-" "You're too obvious, so don't even ask how I know." I crossed my arms and leaned back on the chair. 

"You're also not that old, I just call you an old rag because I'm only younger and prettier." I snickered, the woman rolled her eyes. "So, you'll get his number for me?" I was confident she was gonna do it now. She took another look at the male cop, then looked back at me. She sighed and finally said "deal"

It was all quiet after that, I had already set her up and it appeared to have gone pretty well. The man and her were seen together from time to time, which was a big change since the man was always by himself. He also smiled pretty often. His smile made me think of Han Seojun, I would make him laugh from time to time, when he wasn't being a disrespectful brat. 

Eventually, the woman got me a number. Not his phone number, but his mom's. "You old rag, this wasn't part of the deal!" I yelled at her as I stood up and watched her trying to stay still. She was shaking; she was a woman who was sitting, shaking in fear. She knew she had messed up, big time.

"Woman, told you I wanted his number, so why would you give me his mom's?" I asked in a threatening voice. "B-Because- Well, I-I thought about it a-and it would make you a child predator, in a way..." She said while she covered her eyes to avoid making eye contact with me.

"Silly, you wouldn't be all scared of me right now if you had done your part of the deal..." I leaned closer to her and whispered these words to her ear. She only gasped sharply as I spoke and began so shake more rapidly. "B-But, if you think about it, his mom is an easier target. Y-You can get to know him through her, she knows everything about him since she's his mom.." She managed to stop the stutter.

I sighed, "I guess you're right," I went back to my chair. Where the heck were the cops? To my surprise, they weren't there to watch us. This woman must have done something to let us meet privately, I guess I made the right choice to set her up with that other guy. 

"Let's meet her in person, if you want me to meet her so badly, then..." I said and left the room to meet the cops and the cuffs. I could only hear her screaming at me to wait.

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