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01. The Suicidal One.

3 years ago...

THE GIRL STOOD THERE, ABOUT TO COMMIT THE IMPOSSIBLE. Her entire body was covered with blood; her long, dark hair swayed with the wind. I didn't know how to react, she was messed up. She was standing too close to the road, she knew what she was doing. I ran to her and grabbed her arm, she turned her head slowly and made eye contact with me. 

She was badly hurt, there was a cut in her cheek. That was gonna leave a scar, for sure. Her eyes were cold and dead, she looked like she had been crying for a long time. 

"What?" Her voice sent shivers down my spine, it was deep and raspy. She looked at me, up and down, examining me. "Get lost, kid." She coldly said and turned her attention back to the road. 

"Ma'am, what are you doing?!" I was alarmed, I pulled her closer to me. She looked at me surprised. She let out a tear, she said "I tried to kill him" My eyes widened, "W-what?" I was shocked. "You're a criminal, why aren't you in jail?" I let go of her, startled. Was she fooling around? Why was she telling me this? I wasn't one to appreciate jokes like that, it scared the hell out of me.

The girl snickered, which made me even more susprised. What's wrong with this girl? Why is she so messed up? "Kid, how old are you?" She kept calling me kid, but she didn't look that old either. "S-Sixteen," I hesitated, but I still managed to tell her my age.

"Mm, three years younger. You still wouldn't understand. I don't have to explain myself to you, now go away." She said to me as if she could tell me what to do. But I wasn't going to leave her. She was about to end her own life, and I was a witness now. It would make me a bad person to leave her to die.

"Are you out of your mind?! I can't let you die like this! I'm a witness now." I put my hands on her shoulders and held on to her tightly. I noticed she was a little taller than me. She was surprised by my actions; she looked me in the eyes, staring right into my soul. "Kid, the cops are coming for me. It doesn't matter. They'll get to me dead or alive." She said as she caressed my hand with her freezing cold hands.

"You can't do this, listen to me!" She began to back away, walking towards the road. I was frozen, I didn't know what to do. I decided I was going to stop her no matter what, for some reason, I felt like it was my duty. I pulled her in and held her as tight as I could. I wrapped my arms around her waist while she just stood there, waiting to be arrested. Her body was cold and wet from all the blood.

"You're so damn nosy..." She muttered, then she started to cry.

Finally, the cops came. 

"******* ***, you are under arrest for assault and attempted muder..." 

The cops said her name, they said her name and I forgot it. I remember how they took her away, she didn't even look back at me, she just left. 

when in prison - han seojunWhere stories live. Discover now