Part 1:The unfolding of a terrible fate

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"FUCKING RUN GOD DAMNIT WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE" jimin said as he dashed across the room,he couldn't take all that was happening to him and his fellow group members.V was being ripped apart into pieces by the demon.How did this happen?lets start right from the beginning.

It was a late Friday night and the group was temporarily living together in a penthouse for a reality show in America and their flight to Korea was tomorrow.jungkook was just scrolling through his phone until he got a sudden ding on his phone.It was an email from their stated the following:

"Congrats on your successful shooting!Since you guys have been working really hard these few months the company offered a vacation to Hawaii!so,do you guys want to go back to Korea orrr hop in the flight I booked for you guys?"

Jungkook was "jungshook" from reading the email."hey did you guys get an email about this vacation thingy?"asked Jin."yeahh it seems pretty cool but really an unexpected surprise"said V."but are we gonna go?"asked Jhope."hell yeah!"screamed RM."mhm I think it'd be pretty relaxing if we took a break from all these shootings"said suga as he sipped on his chocolate milk."yep suga's right I also wanna goo"whined jimin."so it's decided!we're all going"jungkook said excitedly as he emailed his manager they're gonna board the flight to Hawaii.They decided to go to bed right after that so they actually got some sleep before boarding the flight.

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