Chapter 2: Kuromi

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Pki rubbed his eyes and yawned, stretching his arms up. He sleepily walk into the school grounds when he saw a familiar feline waiting for him. When she started walking towards him, he immediately looked back and ran away.

"Hey!" Nekomi shouted and ran after him.

The students around them looked at them and was annoyed by Nekomi's booming voice.

"Ugh, it's too early for this!" Pki shouted and ran at the back of their building where there's broken window, he jumped in it, not looking at where he's going.

A big thud was heard in the quiet hallway, the students around looked at them in curiousity. Just then, Nekomi arrived and filled the silence with her loud shout.

"Tell me what happened! Don't leave a single detail—" the feline east asian country stopped after seeing the scene infront of her.

Pki was hovering over another guy and lips connected. Nekomi immediately whipped her phone out to take a picture but was scolded by her friend.

"Help me instead of taking a picture of us!" Pki yelled, in panic.

"Huh? Why?" Jumping over to the window where Pki jumped in, she approached her friend, looking over to the guy on the floor, unconscious with a big red mark on his forehead that looked identical to the one on Pki's forehead. "Maybe their forehead collided that's why the guy passed out."

"He passed out," after that, they wasted no time and Nekomi immediately helped her friend to bring the unknown guy to the clinic but the school nurse wasn't there and the bell just rang so Nekomi left Pki to tend whoever the guy he injured.

Before Nekomi could ever leave the clinic, Pki gave her few insults.

"You fucking furry! This is your fault! If I see your hairy cat ass during lunch break, I swear I will pluck out every single piece of fur from your body!" Pki shouted angrily before the feline disappear from his sight.

Pki sighed, looking down at the unconscious red head beside him. He slowly reached for Mpaja's hair and ran it through his fingers then carefully played with it. Pki didn't want to admit it but the red head looked so ethereal with sunlight coming from the window shining to the red head's face, it almost made him look like an angel. Pki kneeled down beside the bed, to Mpaja's level, and carefully examined Mpaja's features.

"Is this even real?" he asked himself while slowly pinching the red head's nose.

"Yes it is," Pki almost hit his head on the bed on the other side of the curtain when Mpaja suddenly spoke up.

"Ah, you're awake. Is your head alright?" Pki asked, panicking.

"I have a mild concussion but other than that, I'm fine. Thank you for waiting for me, I should go now," Mpaja stood up from the bed, almost losing his balance but Pki managed to support him. He held his ringing head and tried to walk to the door but Pki stopped him and pulled him back to the bed. "What are you doing?"

"You're obviously not okay yet. Just stay here and rest, I will inform your teacher that you're sick," Pki said and tucked Mpaja into bed, putting a bag of ice on the latter's head. "Also.." Pki fiddled with his fingers , hesitating, "I'm sorry for earlier and..y-yesterday," Pki stammered, his cheeks tinted pink as he looks away from the latter as an attempt to hide his blushing face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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