Last Signatures

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Feels like I'm about to detach myself from this world.

It's past midnight and lights must be turned off already. I should be sleeping at this moment of time but I just can't sleep, there's too much silence that I can't concentrate on sleeping. And another thing, once I close my eyes thoughts start to cloud my head and it's very irritating for me. My thoughts won't just leave me alone.

I want to escape.

I want to find the 19th signature owner already so I'll be done with this contract since the 20th signature owner is not very hard for me to find.

"Before everything else," I reach my phone on my side table and I turn on the lights of my room.

I comb my hair with my fingers as I turn on the camera of my phone and switch it to video mode.

"Okay, it's ready," I say as I hold the phone to me and brush some loose strands of hair away from my face and place it to the back of my ear, "H-hi!"

I laugh afterwards for stuttering while saying a simple greeting, it's as if I'm on the center of a stage with a big crowd when reality is I'm just alone here talking with my phone and no one sees me. I feel nervous nonetheless.

"Uhmm... My name is Lucky Zuir. My existence is caused by Jenny and Lito Zuir, my beloved parents. I am doubtful to them because they have been good parents to me and they took good care of me from the very beginning, since the day I was born. I never felt unloved in all of my years of existence because of them, they made me feel that no matter how drastic life would be for me there will still be someone like them to hug me and show me that I will never be alone with every battle I'll make with life. Then I am blessed with one, JEN is 2years older than me, she's my very supportive sister. I love you so much mom, I'm sorry for being stubborn, I am sorry for all the bad things that I cause you. "

With tears falling down from my eyes, I place the phone near my face and kissed the camera then move it away again so I'll be able to capture my now ugly crying face, "For those I love and for those who love me and will continue to love me even if I'm gone, thank you and take care of yourself guys. I might have lived short but I am grateful I've not wasted a second of it. I will miss you guys, I love you."

I stop the recording of the camera and save it to a specific video folder then left it on my bed as I put my jacket and slippers on. I've already planned to escape the hospital through my room's window with my bed sheet and blanket tied up together, I'm not really on a high floor actually I'm just on the second floor so my bed sheet and blanket are long enough for me to the touch the ground safely.

Where am I going?

To where my feet drag me, to a place called somewhere.

Actually my plan is to find the 19th signature owner before my body betrays me, I don't really feel strong enough to walk properly anymore. I just ask for the help of the walls to support me from walking or rather staggering.

I know it's hard for me to see people in a time like this, it's already dark and people are already sleeping but a place called 7eleven caught my eyes then a smile forms into my lips. A convenience store open 24hours, just the right place for me to find the 19th signature owner.

Must be wondering who the owner is of the 19th signature? Well, the space is actually reserved for a "stranger", yes the owner is a stranger... a someone or anyone. I don't know why but I guess I want to meet someone I've never met before dying and bargain my memory with him or her as well with God.

As I enter the convenient store the security guard looks at me in a weird doubtful way, maybe he's wondering why I'm on slippers. I just ignore him and continue to walk and went to the cashier girl to buy my favorite chocolate Hershey bar, luckily I have some money with me in my jacket's pocket. I am not allowed to eat chocolates but who cares; I badly want to eat it even for the last time.

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