Chapter 1

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Bunch of students was chattering in the hallway while walking with their own friends as the teachers dismissed the classes.

In the swarm of students there's a long blond hair girl with pale skin, thin eyebrows, and pair of golden-brown eyes standing 180 cm tall.

She walks in the hallway along with young-looking boy with an average build, has a dark grayish-green hair with a flyaway piece of hair sticking up at the top and a freckles on his cheeks.

They walk in their destination, the gym, in silence as the green-haired boy knows that his blonde friend isn't talkative.

However, their silence was interrupted when a certain young lad bumped into his friend, causing the girl to click her tongue as she look at the one who bumped into her.

Looking down, she saw a short lad with piercing black pupils and long, wavy blonde hair tied sideways on top of his head moving freely.

"What's a middle school student doing in high school?" The blonde girl remarks causing an irk to appear on the short boy's forehead.

"Oi, watch your mouth." The boy, who's head is shaven on the sides and back, exposing his dragon tattoo on his left temple, with long blonde hair on the top of his head that was kept in a neat braid, leaving a few strands of hair lose in the front, 185cm in height, glared at the blonde girl.

Even thought the green-haired boy was standing 180cm tall, he still feel intimidated at the long-haired blonde boy's glare causing him to hide a little on his friend's back.

"Oh, is his onii-chan mad?" The blonde girl bravely teased while looking at the taller blonde boy with a smirk on her face.

The taller blonde was about to talk again when the short lad interrupt. "Ken-chin, can I hit her? She's annoying." He said, glancing up to glare at the girl.

"You'll throw a tantrum? Can a child like you even reach me?" The green haired boy is the one who's nervous for his blonde friend's bravery. He's silently praying that the short blonde boy was just joking since he didn't want his friend to be hurt.

"You shouldn't hit a girl, Mikey." Ken-chin replied with a sigh. "Just one time." Mikey replied, not leaving his glare on the girl.

"T-tsukki, we need to go. We'll be late." This causes the blondes to look at the green haired boy who shakes in nervousness on their gazes.

"Well, we'll get going then. Take care of your little brother, onii-chan." Tsukki said as she walk past them with her friend trailing behind her.

"Will you seriously hit her?" The tall blonde asked his friend who's also watching the two figure's back as they walked away.

"Of course not, I'll never hit a girl. I just wanna see how she'll react, but looks like it has no effect on her." He replied then turned around to walk into his other friend's classroom, Takemichi. The tall boy just shook his head on his friend's antics before following him.

"Tsukishima Y/N! Yamaguchi Tadashi! You two are late! Extra 2 laps for you, Tsukishima! Yamaguchi fill the water bottles!" Their coach yelled as soon as they entered the gym. Y/N proceed to join her teammates who's warming up since she already changed into her gym clothes while Yamaguchi walked to the water bottles to do his job as a manager.

"Boke! Hinata boke!" Their setter, Kageyama Tobia, yelled at the short tangerine teammate, Hinata Shia, when she missed her set.

"Listen to the queen of the court shrimp, or she'll punish you~" As usual, the blonde middle blocker, Y/N, decided to get into their setter's nerves.

"Tsk." She scoffed before focusing on the ball again. She didn't want to start an argument with the blonde at the moment just to be punished by their coach.

The players chugged their bottle when the whistle blew, indicating that it's break time.

"Tsukki, I think you should stop teasing Kageyama, you'll get into trouble again." The boy with freckles gave his friend an advice because he's worried about her. The last time she fought with the setter, the coach made them run laps to the point that they nearly passed out.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi." He sigh at his friend's reply. Of course she won't stop, she enjoys roasting people afterall. She stood up from her seat, giving her now empty water bottle to her friend, before walking back in the court when the whistle blew again.

"Rollinggg thunderr!" Their libero, Nishinoya Yua, shouted as she dug the ball up.

"And there's her child-like move." Y/N snickered at her short senpai. "Tsukishima, you!" The libero pointed her, not wanting to cuss her since she'll get in trouble.

"What? I can't hear you up here, senpai." She slightly leaned in her height as she put a hand on her ear.

"You sh-"

"Nishinoya!" Their captain, Sawamura Chie, cut her off when she's about to say a bad word. The libero growled at the tall middle blocker, who's snickering, before walking away.

"She's really annoying." A tall blonde boy said, sitting in one of the bench in the gym with another two blonde to watch the practice.

"You know her, Draken-kun?" A boy who has bleached hair in a faux hawk style, with blue eyes, with a height of 165 cm, asked him.

"We bumped into her and her friend, the green haired one there," The short blonde said, pointing at the team's manager, "a while ago in the hallway."

"She's a pretty good player," The boy with faux hawk style commented as he watched the tall girl block the duo's quick attack. "And pretty good at annoying people like Draken-kun said." He added when he saw how the black-haired setter and orange-haired middle blocker glare at the smirking tall blonde blocker.

They watched the game for a while before standing up, walking to the gym's door to leave. However, before they pass the gym's door, a loud baam on the short blond's head was heard.

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