Chapter 2

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"My girlfriend," Said the girl as she pointed at Bae who was standing at the entrance of the cafe.

Both Bae and Hayko's eyes went wide and their jaws dropped. Bae just wanted to check out this new place and somehow she ended up in a drama that these two people are having. What a terrible day

"What?!" Says Hayko "You and Bae??"

The girl then cleared her throat and approached Bae who stood there frozen in shock. If she could shapeshift into a rat and hide in a corner or something, she would! She wanted out of this drama.

"Yes! B-Bae is my girlfriend" the girl said proudly.

Hayko looked at them in disbelief. He was not disgusted in any way but he couldn't believe that the girl that he had been chasing for over a month now is dating Bae.

He then looks at Bae, "I'm going to have a word with you soon, Bae," he said.

Hayko was so mad that he stormed out of the cafe and left Bae and Irys… with the barista because she's still there and was actually enjoying the drama that was happening. 

When he was out of sight, Bae then turned to look at the girl who wore a nervous smile and frown. "What was that?!" She says. 

"Um… wanna order some coffee? My treat" the girl replied. 

A few moments later the two of them sat at a table together, facing each other. Bae could not refuse this girl's offer because, first of all, it's coffee. Second, she needs an explanation for getting dragged into a drama she wasn't even a part of in the first place. She was stirring her coffee while waiting for the girl to speak but there was no sign of her speaking any time soon.

"Okay, who are you?" Bae started. Because well, this girl is a complete stranger who suddenly announced that they're dating.

"Ah! I forgot to introduce myself.  I'm Irys Tokoyami, nice to meet you uh.. Bae, was it?"

The truth is, she has no idea who Bae is. She just said whatever the heck Hayko called the red haired girl. She even stuttered because she couldn't believe that Hayko was calling someone Bae.


"Huh?" Irys tilted her head in confusion.

"My name is Baelz Hakos. Only those who are closest to me calls me Bae"

Irys looked down with embarrassment. "My apologies then, Baelz." She paused. "Wait, so you and Hayko are close?"

"He's my cousin, Einstein"


Panic was immediately visible in the girl's two coloured eyes. It was clear that she did not think this through. She dragged a complete stranger into her mess and that complete stranger was the cousin of the person she hated the most.

Well, hate is a strong world. More like the guy she dislikes the most. 

"Oh god, I'm so sorry for dragging you into this- wait. It would be even worse if you're already dating someone" Irys facepalms herself then looks at Bae up and down and notices Bae's visible eye bags and a little messy twin-tails "or… are you?"

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean!" Bae slammed her hand on the table, earning a light giggle from Irys. She can't believe that this girl is already making fun of her right after they first met!

"I'm sorry," Irys replied, still giggling.

Bae sighs. "I'm not dating anyone. I have no time for that and I have no idea how that love or relationship thing works and I would much rather not learn them." 

Irys then raises her brows, "wait, seriously?"

"Yes, seriously."

"Can you be my girlfriend then?"

Bae choked on air. How shameless can this person be? Putting her into a tight spot by telling her cousin that they were dating and now suddenly asking her to actually date her.

Bae stared at her in confusion. Did she not hear what Bae had just said? She has no time for dating and she literally has no idea what you do when you're dating someone! Also, who in their right minds would date a person they just met! Real world is not a Disney movie!

"Excuse me, Miss, Ma'am. Did you forget about the part that we literally just met? I think you just skipped a bunch of parts, we're not in a manga where I'd magically fall in love with you" she replied, earning a chuckle from Irys.

"I'm not asking you to fall in love with me. I'm asking you to just date me. If you don't wanna love me, it's fine. Just be my girlfriend." Says Irys with confidence. 

Bae was once again conflicted. "I'm pretty sure that's not how dating works." Despite not knowing how relationship works, she's still aware with the basics like 'the feelings should be mutual when dating someone'

"Are you perhaps suggesting fake dating?" She added.

"No. Faking dating is fake. I'm asking you out right now."

Bae fell silent. She didn't know how to react. If only she didn't take Mumei's advice to check out this place then maybe it would've saved her from so much trouble.

"Well, that's a terrible way to ask someone out."

"Think about it, Baelz. I can teach you how to be in a relationship while you help me get rid of your cousin. It's a win-win!"

"I never asked you to teach me anything though."

Irys pouts. She didn't push much further, noticing she's starting to act like Hayko. Don't get her wrong though. She only doesn't like Hayko because he's too pushy but he's actually a gentleman. Although you always see him being swarmed up with girls, that kind of guy isn't really what she wants. Hayko was handsome, no denial, but he's not Irys's type.

Irys sighs in defeat. "Okay fine. But if you change your mind-"

"Which, I will not."

"Yeah, whatever. I will be waiting here if you did."

Bae only smirked. She then finishes her coffee and glances at Irys's drink. "I don't think I'll ever date someone who drinks soda at a coffee shop," she said before she got up and walked her way to the exit, with Irys yelling "Don't judge me!" Behind her.

That made her chuckle. Such a shame she won't be interacting with that weird girl again…

Or will she?

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