Tower's Invitation

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I have read a lot of novels. Some are lousy, some are good, and some are especially good. And I'm pretty sure, with my twenty years of existence, this tall and mighty tower before me is something you can only read in a novel. 

Yup. I'm pretty sure it was. Therefore, I'm in a dream. I've been watching fantasy and supernatural movies all this week, and maybe that's why, even when I'm lucid dreaming, I'm looking at a f*cking tall tower that no man can ever build. My imagination definitely made up those dead people on the ground, the destroyed buildings, overturned cars, and the horrific screams of the scared people around. 

Okay. I'll stop deluding myself now. I'm in reality, and this super tall tower might be both a threat and an opportunity to all humanity. 

Why? Because all novels said that.

And it's proven that I might be right.

|Conratulations! It seems like you have the potential to be a Tower Climber! Will you accept the Tower's Invitation?| 


 Should I actually take this dangerous opportunity?

Or maybe I really should?

It was hard to choose. I should deliberate over this matter slowly.

|Mae Gillian accepted the Tower's Invitation.|

But then again, why should I waste my brain cells in considering it? Just accept it! Let's see if monsters, level-up, and magic do exist!


My sight was suddenly covered up. Ugh. What's this blinding light? A special halo effect or something? 

|Welcome to the Tower's lobby.| 

"Hoo. There are so many people here." I blurted out. It seems that everyone who accepted the tower's invitation would appear here in this huge ancient-like building.

So fascinating. It really is like what's written in the novels. 

|The new Climbers in this lobby have been rewarded by the Tower with a Special Gift. Please check it in your Individual Information.|

Hoh?! Now, this is interesting. But how do that details appear? Like in the novels? Should I say it out loud or just thought about it?

Well, it's embarrassing to suddenly say something like that, might as well think about it.

'Individual Information'

Ooh. It really appeared.

|(Climber's Information): [Mae Gillian] [Female] [20 Years Old] 

[Title/s: None] [Inclination/s: Crazy yet Rational Planner] [Alignment: Chaotic Neutral]

[Potential Growth: Legendary] [Level: 0(0/100)] [Class: None] [Special Trait/s: Potential Nurturer(Tower's Special Gift), Tower's Eyes(Tower's Another Gift)] 

[Strength: 15 (Common PG)] [Stamina: 25 (Rare PG)] [Endurance: 20 (Rare PG)] [Magic: 10 (Common PG)] [Intelligence: 36 (Hero PG)] [Luck: 20 (Rare PG)] [Dexterity: 30 (Rare PG)]

[Skill/s: None] [Equipment/s: None]

[Tower's Overall Evaluation: The Climber, Mae Gillian, has the Tower's attention and has been given another gift. Mae Gillian's growth potential will be even higher if she further survives the Tower's Challenges. But please, the Tower pleaded, Don't explode the place...]


Am I, Mae Gillian, have an overpowered potential in this place?! 

I'm calling it, I'm the Tower's Favorite! Look at my stats! There are crazy! 

But... what's with that inclination, alignment, and overall evaluation? I'm not crazy! Maybe? Nope. I'm not. And why am I chaotic neutral? I'm a lawful good person! (Maybe, not really?) And why should I explode this place? I got no grenades here!

Hmmm. Ai, forget about it. I should check this place for now. It seems like this is the safe zone for us climbers.

Let's go for a tour!

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