16. Return

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Yo yo welcome back chapter 16 lets gooooo






However, that does not mean I did not enjoy it.

I need him to be a lot more clear here. Does it mean kissing or talking? Or the fucking? I felt like I already knew the answer. I put my hands into my burning face, and closed my eyes as far shut as they would go. I fought back the urge to scream in excitement and embarrassment.

He acknowledged it. I think this was what I was hoping for. I don't really know what any of my feelings mean at the moment. I do feel bad that he feels bad however. I really enjoyed it as well, but I didn't know how to express that. A note in response might be a good idea, or I could talk to him face to face.

For now, I just won't mention it until I find the right chance to respond. I bet I'lll know when it happens. I spent the next five minutes re-reading the note, kicking my feet up and down, and analyzing every single brush stroke and wrinkle of the paper. It made me happy to know that he had fun as well. I would be embarrassed if he regretted it. The sound of footsteps came from behind me, so I scrambled to get to the front of the cart. I kept missing my steps and almost falling off. Once I got to the front, I sat with my back straight, looking ahead, until I squirmed because it felt too formal. I kept trying to adjust my position until Diluc appeared right by the corner of the cart. I went for a nonchalantly-leaning-against-the-cart-looking-off-into-the-distance kind of pose. "Hey," I said, a slight crack in my voice, which he showed not to notice.

"Hello, are you ready to go?" he asked. His eyes flickered to my hands, probably looking to see if I still had his note, which I luckily placed in my pocket before sitting down.


He leaned over into the cart to grab some things from his backpack, and his white shirt drooped, his chest peeking out from under it. I stared for much longer than I should have before averting my eyes. I forced myself to look at the scenery nearby. However, after his rummaging continued, I snuck a peek, once more. I also noticed his outfit for the day. Slightly similar to what he usually wears, a embroidered white button up with black pants. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, which revealed his forearm, with thin veins slightly visible, which ran down to his hand. I've noticed before how seductive his hands were, but I guess his forearm really magnifies that effect. He stopped rummaging and turned his head toward me, it seems he could feel my eyes. I whipped away before he could see me goggling at him. He jumped out of the cart and went to the small stable we kept the horse in.

I don't think I've ever noticed how much his height suited him. His long legs and torso went perfectly with his personality, if that makes sense, as well as those relaxed eyes. While he looked like the most confident person in the world, he also looked the most humble. I really couldn't put it together. And the way that his eyes slowly traveled upward to meet mine, but stayed in that cool but commanding way, it made my stomach do flips. I just wanted to spend hours looking at his body, and studying every feature, every perfect line and curve, and then spend some more just looking at his face. I'm getting a little too obsessed. Still, he was deserving of it. I laid down in the cart, wrapped up in my fantasies, as Diluc got back inside, and we headed off back towards Mondstadt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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