8. A Friends Advice

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Hey guys, I'm really sorry about the lack of writing lately, depressions been getting me down lately and i've lost some motivation. But after a break I'm ready to write more, hope you enjoy! 

also ty for 1k reads thats super cool (*^▽^*) 

By now, the sky was dark and I could only see faint stars up in the heavens. All the shops on the street had closed and the lights inside the apartments slowly flickered on. Admiring the scenery, I made my way down the road back to the Angels Share. Laying on the table beside the door were two drunkards, completely passed out, wine bottle in hand, while another was attempting to wobble away home. I chuckled and made my way inside the tavern. 

The warmth greeted me as I walked in and the dim lights made for a cozy atmosphere. It was calmer inside, most people enjoying an evening drink and keeping to themselves. Diluc stood at the bar, wiping down the surfaces as he prepared to close. His hair was pulled into a ruffled high ponytail and the top three buttons of his shirt had been undone, exposing part of his chest. Attempting not to make eye contact with him, I averted my gaze and quickened my pace as I walked over to the employee room in the back. This time I made sure to lock the door before beginning to change. I stripped my clothes off, shivering a bit from the sudden cold and changed into the clothes I had worn this morning. I slung my backpack onto my shoulders and made my way out of the room. Walking down the hallway, I saw Adam sitting on the floor, gazing lazily into a book. 

"I'm off Adam, goodnight," I said flatly. He just responded with a hum, not looking up from his novel. Rolling my eyes, I stepped over his leg, just barely missing it and walked toward the door of the tavern. Before exiting, Diluc called out my name.

"Y/n!" he said.

"Hm?" I replied, turning my head towards him. 

"Oh well, do you have another way to get to the winery, I'm afraid I must cover for Charles for a bit longer."

"Oh, sorry Diluc I forgot to tell you," I said sheepishly, "I actually found a different place to live." He gave me a confused look.

"I met an astrologist today, quite weird girl in fact, but we made an arrangement and I can stay at her house for the time being."

"Oh, I see.." he looked back down toward his glass. I couldn't quite make out his expression, but his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes lowered. 

"I appreciate your hospitality however, it won't be forgotten, Diluc." I added extra emphasis on his name. His head angled up and his eyes locked with mine as he nodded, a faint smile on his peachy lips. 

"Goodnight then!" I said happily as I waved and opened the door of the tavern.

"Oh, Y/N," Diluc called out. I responded with a hum.

"I.." he paused looking down putting all of his focus into cleaning his glass. "I do apologize for earlier." My mind flashed me of that experience of him walking in on me and I could feel the blush warming into my cheeks. 

"Hahaha no worries Diluc," I chuckled awkwardly while hiding my face. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See you."

I whipped around the door and closed it shut, and momentarily after shoving my hands into my face from embarrassment. I honestly would've preferred that he just not bring it up at all. Oh whatever. I yawned, tired from my first day working, and began to make my way home. Looking up, the stars were more vibrant now, the constellations beginning to form. I smiled admiring them. Minutes later, I had arrived in front of Mona's house. Being here in a calmer manner. I was able to take in more of the house. On the exterior walls, the paint was chipped, part of the posts broken, and no exaggeration when I said it was covered in vines and mushrooms. The bushes at the bottom much overgrown as well. I definitely had to clean this up a bit. I walked up the creaking stairs and knocked on the door thrice. After no response, I repeated, until my patience wore out and I just opened the door. I cautiously stuck my head inside. trying to see if Mona was still here. Finally, I spotted the blue figure on the floor, red accents of color all over her clothing. She was completely passed out, snoring and partially drooling, opened book in hand. I sighed, chuckling to myself as I set my backpack down on a nearby side table. I picked up her surprisingly light body and move her onto the sleeping mat. I looked around the room for some covers so that she wouldn't be out in the cold. In a wardrobe to the right, I found a soft large black blanket. I  placed it on her, doing my best not to awaken her. I smiled at her peacefulness and began to look around for where I was going to sleep. 

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