7. The Crying Weirdo

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EDIT: someone pointed out that there was literally no point to taking off their bra so im editing that part out. i didnt think that part through sorry besties 🙈🙈

Back to Y/N POV

I shook my arms out of my coat and placed it on a nearby crate, then unzipped my skirt and took it off. After I took off my shirt, I went over to where I placed my new uniform earlier. And then the door began to open, slowly, as if time had slowed down. In instinct, I wrapped my arms around my chest.

"Adam, I need you to clean up a-" the familiar red head said before completely freezing in place, staring at me. The air suddenly became cold around my skin as the tension rose. We both stood there for what felt like a minute, completely frozen, just staring at each other. I saw his eyes flicker up and down my body and his face turning fully red. Coming back to reality, I shrieked and ran over to hide behind the wooden desk, crouching on the floor, trying to make sure my entire body was concealed. All I heard in response was the door slamming. And shortly after a loud thump coming from the door. What the hell was that?

It took me a moment to come to terms what had just happened. I put my hands over my mouth in shock as I blushed furiously.

"No no no no..." I whimpered. Why did this happen again? I didn't know how I could even go out there after this. I definitely had lost any connection I've had with Diluc after last night and right now. This guy had seen more naked almost more times than the days we've known each other. I mean, I couldn't really blame him for this one, he didn't know I was in here. I just wanted to know how he was reacting to this,

I sulked in shame and embarrassment for a couple minutes before realizing I was already late for my shift. Sighing, I forced myself to to stand up and begin putting on my uniform. This was actually the first time I had seen what it looked like. It was a knee length beige dress, with detailed cloth at the top similar to how a maid outfit looked. On top of that, I was wearing a white apron, with curved edges. It was cute and simple.

I wasn't going to mess this opportunity up. I was determined to have a successful first day! I gave myself a little shake for my nerves and slowly opened the door. I checked both ways for Diluc before heading back into the main tavern. When I walked out, I got a whistle from a nearby drunkard. I forced a smile, and made plans to spit in his drink later.

I walked over to Adam who was still hidden in the same corner I found him in earlier.

"I'm done changing."

"Well obviously," he said with a sly tone. This fucker. After a moment of glaring he said, "Okay, follow me, I'll show you what to do." I followed him over to the bar as he explained my job.

"Just deliver drinks to the right table without spilling them or anything. And be nice to the customers, it's the only way we get tips," he said smugly.

"Oh-kay," I said tensely.

"Take this tray and this notebook for orders. You're going to have to memorize orders eventually though." I nodded and took what he gave me.

"When you get an order, take it to Diluc and he'll make the drink. I assume you know what to do from there."

"No actually, I don't," I said sarcastically. He gave me a frown for a moment, before sighing. "Hey, why aren't you working, you're in a uniform," I asked.

"I'm on my break," he began to walk away, "which got rudely interrupted.." he muttered. Men, so dramatic.

I took my notebook, and headed over to my first table of a some young men.

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