Chapter 19

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Gerard's POV

I was no longer counting the days down to when we were to leave camp, to when he would have to leave. Sure, I would be able to see my brother, my room, watch Star Wars with Mikey, and sleep in a little more for the last month of summer vacation. But now I was terrified of losing Frank. I desperately didn't want to leave. After sitting there in my room for a little bit, I sucked it up, grabbed out my camera that Mikey sent, sighing, and put on my shoes.

At least with the camera, I would be able to capture Frank a few times before we left. It was a hot summer day, and as always, he wanted to go swimming for the countdown of these last few days. I locked my door, put my keys into my little bag that carried the little camera, walked outside, and put on the sunglasses that rested on my head. I walked confidently to the fox cabins once I found the sign that pointed down the path. Slowly, I was able to see the cabin come into view, walking in through the door and going to Frank's room. After knocking, I waited for a few seconds before a very tired and blurry-eyed Frank came to the door in a long-sleeved loose shirt with baggy basketball shorts.

"Looks like I'm the morning person today, huh?" I whispered, seeing Frank nod and laugh as he sighed and leaned against the door. "What's on the agenda today that has you up so early?" He asked tiredly, blinking his eyes and smiling a little bit when he looked like he could see clearly, which I ended up subconsciously returning the smile. "Nothing special, just ready for the beach if you're up for it," I told him, gesturing to my swim clothes which consisted of an almost tight blue shirt and black swim trunks that went to my knees. It had pockets.

"Yeah, yeah, just have to get dressed then. What do you think, top or no top?" Frank asked, looking to his dresser at the end of his bed. "No top? What's so bad about it?" I asked, looking at him quizically as my head tilted out of instinct. "Well, just... Don't wanna make others uncomfortable, ya know? Like, a 17-year-old with tattoos kind of uncomfortable," Frank told me in a sheepish tone, which is the first time I'd seen him ever be nervous.

"Yeah, I forgot. It's not like it's a normal occurrence to see someone's chest or anything," I awkwardly mumbled, blushing as I imagined what kind of tattoos he had on his chest. He looked around down the hall, to which I copied out of instinct before I was pulled into the bedroom space with the door closing. "I need your opinion on whether they'd be uncomfortable or not... Can I trust you to give me your honest opinion?" Frank asked nervously, twiddling with his thumbs and cracking his knuckles out of habit. "Y-yeah, sure, absolutely," I stuttered out, seeing him nod as he brought his hands to the hem of his shirt.

Frank pulled the shirt over and showed off the few tattoos he had on his chest and... Hips. Oh, geez. "The "Search and Destroy" tattoo goes all the way around and then I have these ones on my arms, which weren't really hidden in the first place," He told me, gesturing to the tattoos I hadn't even noticed. There on his chest was the ink he had talked about before, but I couldn't even fathom words. He looked... Well, words couldn't even compare to his beauty.

"Gee? Hey, you haven't said anything and it's freaking me out. Is one of the tattoos freaking you out?" Frank asked me frantically, though that had done its job of snapping me out of it as I looked at his frightened face. "Oh- no, sorry! I was just admiring the tattoos. I-I don't think any of the counselors would have an issue. Er- none of them are inappropriate," I rambled, trying to cut off the spewing words, but I saw his smile and that relaxed me a little bit. "They're really cool if it's anything to you," I told him after the silence set in for too long, seeing him nod as he looked down at them.

"Yeah, the hand ones were a pain, but otherwise, a pretty smooth process," Frank told me, giving me a thumbs-up as he grabbed a pair of swim trunks from his dresser. "Okay, I'll get dressed, and then I'll join you, alright?" He explained, giving me a cue for me to get out of the room, though he was already half undressed. "Y-yeah, I'll just wait outside," I told him, opening the door and shutting it behind me as I slid to the side to wait in the hall. After a while, I let out a breath, a deep exhale as my brain ran through the image of Frank shirtless. Absentmindedly, I found a patch of sunscreen I didn't rub in right on my cheek, rubbing it in and then almost jumping out of my skin as the door opened to Frank's room.

Frank had on a rather tight tank top and the red with black striped shorts that he had grabbed before I left the room and, of course, he had on his trademark sandals. "You ready?" He asked, pulling his sunglasses down as he put a towel over his shoulder. "Y-yeah, duh, I was ready before you," I told him, hiding behind the sunglasses as I smiled a little. He nodded, making his out the door after making sure his door was locked. I followed and was met with the hot sun on my skin again. "You look good by the way," I mumbled, looking over and seeing his smile before he looked at me. "Thanks, but you look good too," He told me, which just made me blush again. Upon reaching the beach area, we found an unoccupied table and put our stuff on it to make sure we wouldn't get any of it wet. Which then reminded me about the camera.

I saw Frank taking off the tank top and then unhooking his sandals, which was a perfect opportunity to take a picture. "Hey, Frank, look this way," I told him, holding up the camera and seeing him smile a little as he stood up and posed for the photo. I took a picture and saw Frank hold out his hand, to which I looked quizically at him again. "Let's take one together before we hop into the water," He told me, to which I agreed and faced the camera towards the both of us. Frank did a peace sign again as I took the picture, feeling satisfied for now.

I put the camera underneath my towel, took a running start at the lake, and then jumped in. I emerged a little while later, seeing Frank before he ran in after me. Can't imagine how that small of a human could make that big of a splash, but I got a faceful of water as I kicked my feet back and forth to keep myself afloat.

Frank's head popped up a few seconds later, smiling proudly as he swam towards me. "How was that?" He asked, staying afloat as he stayed near me. "Not what I expected," I truthfully told him, smiling as I swam out a little, laughing a little as I felt the water glide underneath me. It was an amazing feeling just barely brushing up against Frank a few times as we swam out, but it just stayed that way as we exchanged looks every once in a while.

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