Chapter 1

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Gerard's POV

"But mom!" I whined loudly, sighing as my body was slightly splayed against the counter of the kitchen island. "Why do I have to go? Why can't Mikey come?" I bellowed, her back being turned to me so she couldn't see my rather unamused expression that dawned itself across my facial features. "Because, Mikey is only technically a freshman, and it's high time you got out of the house. You're looking really pale," She simply explained, though it wasn't so reasonable as she made it sound. Two months away from home in some weird sunshine and rainbows camp named Camp Likeshire. Like what the fuck? Are we becoming hobbits? "But-" I was cut off, my words now lost as I saw my mom's expression, though she let out a sigh and shook her head. "Just go pack, I won't hear another word about it," She whispered calmly, though I could tell I had been clawing up on her bad side as she turned away from me.

"Fine, I'll just become a gambler, school some kids at an underground poker match. Have fun living with your decision then," I spat, seeing her turn around again as I was leaving the kitchen. "You better make a living if you ever think about gambling, Gerard," She snapped, though I knew it was broken words coming from an angered mother. I only stopped for a second but kept going to my bedroom.

I'm Gerard, 17 years old, anti-social you could say. I was being forced to attend this camp that was to be going on for 2 months. That would be two months I'll never be able to get back. She heard it from this other lady that convinced her that her eldest son, me, needed to get out of the house. Middle fingers up to that woman if you please. I opened my door rather solemnly, frowning as I realized I couldn't see Mikey for two months. That's a long time to be away from him. I grabbed a couple of suitcases from the top shelf of my closet, putting them both on my bed and sighing once more as I started to pack.

I knew my mom wasn't kidding this time. So, I looked around my room and started to pack accordingly. I had to, of course, pack my sketchbooks and whatnot. My colored, graphite, charcoal pencils went back into their pouch as it was the first thing to be packed away. It was so boring having to pack in the silence of my echoing room; a rather unpleasant way of doing anything was in silence. I grabbed my headphones and MP3 player, putting on some David Bowie and nodding as it seemed to be in satisfactory conditions to work now. I packed away my sketchbooks, three of them pushed into the corner; one to look back on, one that was almost finished, and then the last one was for when I happened to finish the other sketchbook. Empty, pure, untouched, and I had a hard time changing that when I first started drawing in a new sketchbook.

Since this was a summer camp, I had to find my "summer clothes", meaning I couldn't bring many black articles of clothing. I looked at the pamphlet, seeing that it was a rather long car drive, two and a half hours to reach the camp. It says that there was a mandatory dance that would be later on, which made me groan. I already had those school dances that I just couldn't stand, now this one was mandatory. I grabbed a couple of button-up shirts and a nice pair of pants, putting a pair of dress shoes in the suitcase opposite to the clothes. I eventually got around to putting a pair of sandals and my favorite converse in the bag.

I put a raincoat in, for a "just in case" situation, but it was a hope for rain. I heard a knock that chimed through my headphones, a head poking out of the little crack in the door. Mikey. I took out my earbuds, trying my best to smile, but it took all my might to not hug him and never let go as soon as I saw his face. "Supper's ready if you wanna eat now," He whispered, looking timid as he looked around and spotted the suitcases. "So it is true, you're leaving... Please say you aren't being kicked out," His voice was hopeful, and I couldn't just say anything; he was too fragile for that, but I knew he could be strong.

"No, Mikes, I'm not getting kicked out. I am going awa- er, well, mom is hoping for me to get some sun while I go and attend this camp. She said you were too young to come with me though," I explained, ruffling his thin mousy brown hair, though he ran his slender fingers through it to smoothen it out again. "But- but I can do anything you can!" He roared bravely, though I found it adorable as he smiled. He was only a kid, God knows he doesn't understand the world just yet. I was always so protective of him. "Of course you can, but this is something that goes by grade. You're technically a freshman, but you haven't stepped foot on campus for your first day of high school yet," I told him gently, helping him with the little ducktails in his hair.

"But it isn't fair..." Mikey sniffled, looking like a lost puppy, but it broke my heart because he was right; it wasn't fair. "Hey, it's okay. How about we go upstairs and go eat. I hear mom made our favorite tonight," I whispered, holding him by the shoulders and smiling; he bought it. "Okay... I am a little hungry," He whispered, though I understood. He had a higher metabolism than the rest of us in the family, though we believed he got it from our father. "Come on, let's go," I cheerfully let out, leading the both of us out of my room, shutting my door behind me before the both of us went up the stairs.

Mikey helped set the table by putting out the plates as I put out the silverware, sitting down as my mom put the dishes down on the table. "Thanks, mom," I whispered, smiling a little and seeing her smile back. "Yeah, thanks, mom! It looks really good," Mikey excitedly bellowed, though that made her laugh. "Well, don't just look at it then, dig in," She told, dipping out a portion for herself and eating politely. Mikey always had eyes that were bigger than his stomach, but this time, he portioned it out quite well on his own without me warning him about it.

I was truly going to miss him, and as much as my mom was forcing me, and I was holding a little grudge against her at the moment, I knew I was going to miss her too. I started to eat, doing so with my foot tapping and my head swaying. This always happened when I was at the table, I would find a tune and it would be stuck in my head the whole time I was at dinner, and then when I would attempt to write it down, the tune faded away, never to be remembered again. I sighed, hoping I would actually enjoy the camp; I could always hitchhike my way home, you never know what I'm capable of until I'm brought to the crossroad.


I set my last suitcase in the trunk, sighing as I looked over and saw Mikey standing there beside the car. I knew he was trying not to cry, his eyes glassy and his body on edge. "Relax, little brother, I'm only going to be gone for a couple of months," I assured him, though he nodded and immediately hugged me. I returned the desperate hug, shaking my head as I rubbed gentle and soothing circles on his upper back. "Time flies when you're having fun, so please, promise me you'll have fun," I whispered, feeling him nod into my chest, the rim of his glasses pressing into my chest a little more. "I-I don't- I want you to stay," Mikey mumbled, though I barely caught it as he was being fairly quiet. "I know, but I swear, I'll write to you as much as I can, alright?" I whispered, feeling him shaking his head, letting me know he wasn't satisfied with that alternative to having me here.

"Hey, how about you and I have a Star Wars marathon when I get back, okay? With all your favorite snacks?" I bargained, feeling him stop and release his grip just slightly, enough for him to lift his head. "You- you promise?" He asked hopefully, and I nodded, wiping away a little tear that had fallen. "I promise," I whispered, patting his back, letting him know that he needed to let go. "See you in two months... I'm gonna miss you," Mikey told me, smiling his best but he wasn't doing a good job at hiding the fact that he was close to breaking down. "I'm gonna miss you too, Mikes. But like I said, time flies when you're having fun, so have some fun," I told him one last time before putting my travel bag at my feet and hopped into the car.

I waved as we drove off, wiping a little tear that fell once we were away from home. "You're really gonna miss your brother, aren't you?" My mom asked in a hushed tone. "Of course I am, he's been there for me when I needed him most. He's the best brother and best friend anyone could ever ask for, so thank you for taking me to a place that I won't be able to see him for two months," I spat, feeling more frustrated than I had let on as I grabbed my phone and plugged in my headphones. "I don't want to talk about it anymore, I'm just gonna listen to music," I mumbled, turning it up all the way and playing my sad playlist. I leaned my head against the window, shutting my eyes and listening to the soothing music. I can imagine one wouldn't snap at their mother as I had, but if I held it in, who would take the heat? An oblivious counselor? A wall? Maybe a rock or camp property. As much as I cared, my grudge was far more stubborn and I couldn't bring myself to apologize right now.

I dozed off, having nothing but a blackout nap as the car drove me to where I didn't want to go anyway...

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