Why?! Background

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Hi my name is Siri Danvers and I just turned the big dirty 30! Roughly 8 years ago my life changed for the better the way I see it

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Hi my name is Siri Danvers and I just turned the big dirty 30! Roughly 8 years ago my life changed for the better the way I see it. 9 years ago, my brother and sister in law had my beautiful niece, Olivia. I call her Livie. Before they found out they were pregnant with her, they lived the life of partying including drugs and alcohol. When my sister in law found out she was pregnant with my niece, she and my brother turned their lives around for the better. They quit partying, drinking and doing drugs. I was proud as hell of them. But shortly after Livie was born, about 2 months, they began asking me watch her on the weekends. I had no issue with this at first, but then it became once a week, then twice and then when I practically had her every day. I was basically her surrogate mom. Then Olivia turned one. I was the one who threw her birthday party, I hadn't seen her parents for about a week or two. I called the police but they said since I had their daughter I couldn't do anything about it. Then when her birthday party ended, I found out why I haven't heard from them. They overdosed on extremely amounts of drugs and alcohol in their systems. They didn't make it.

So instead of throwing Livie into the system, to be lost and hurt, I adopted her. I became her mom. Over the years, she asked me about her parents. I gave her the details I thought was suitable for her age to know. I told her that her parents got sick and were angels in heaven. She understood this as them passing away. Now she's 9 years old and thriving. I work during the day at a tattoo shop in town as their piercer, while she's in school. But the school is giving her hell and has been for the last two years. She is having issues with a bully. Olivia has been bullied since the first grade when her classmates found out she doesn't have a mom or dad anymore. Her number 1 bully is a little girl named, Bernadette Riley, same age and in the same class. At first I went to the school to see if they would move Livie into a new class but the principal told us no. Livie understood. I've told her to ignore her, tell the teacher or another adult, and to not be bothered by it. Bernadette has gone as far to say that Olivia trips her, hits her and makes fun of her. Basically everything that Bernadette does to Livie.

So now it's almost to the point of pulling Livie out of this school and moving her to a new one. But she doesn't want to run from her problems. I don't blame her either.

I am broken from my thoughts again when I hear the front door slam shut. She had a bad day again. I walk out from the kitchen and see her crying on the couch.

~Siri~ What's wrong kiddo?
~Livie~ Nothing.
~Siri~ Livie what happened?
~Livie~ Bernadette told Ms. Jenkins that I pushed her down in the hallway when she shoved me into the wall. Ms Jenkins believed her over me. She had no marks or anything on her but my knees are scratched up. I didn't do it.. nobody ever believes me.
~Siri~ Want me to go to the school tomorrow and handle it?
~Livie~ Won't help because Bernadette's parents always believe everything she says. The principal does too. But I'm not a liar.
~Siri~ Did something happen to set this all off?
~Livie~ Bernadette shouted to the whole call I don't have parents. I asked them to stop and they wouldn't. So when we were coming back inside the school from recess is when she pushed me.
~Siri~Does Ms Jenkins every do anything?
~Livie~ No. then again she believes Bernadette over me all the time.
~Siri~ Well I'll have to go have a meeting with your principal. If I get no where with her, then I'll go to the school board. It's the only way to get this to stop. If the administration doesn't stop her from bullying you then they don't need to be having those jobs.
~Livie~ Whatever your not my mom anyways...

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