A Birthday and A Documentary

Start from the beginning

RACHAEL: We thought it was time we got you a real one. Uncle Prince is gonna teach you to play it.



One month later, May 2002.

MICHAEL: (comes in) Rachael?

RACHAEL: Yeah honey?

MICHAEL: I just got a call from Martin Bashir.

RACHAEL: Martin Bashir... How do I know that name?

MICHAEL: He's a journalist in England.

RACHAEL: Wait a minute, is he the one that did that big interview with Princess Diana?

MICHAEL: Yes, he wants to come to Neverland next week to make a documentary about me.

RACHAEL: Really? What did you say?

MICHAEL: I told him I would think about it and let him know tomorrow. I wanted to see how you felt about it.

RACHAEL: Well how long would it be?

MICHAEL: He said it would be filmed over the span of eight months.

RACHAEL: Eight months??? So we'd have a camera crew following us around every day? What about the kids? You hate having them on camera.

MICHAEL: I know, that's why I wanted to talk to you and the kids first before I said yes to anything. So, how do you feel about it? Be honest.

RACHAEL: I don't know honey, I didn't like the way he portrayed Diana.

MICHAEL: I know, but when am I gonna get another opportunity like this? I've always wanted a real, honest documentary about me. I want to put the rumors to rest, set the record straight.

RACHAEL: I know honey. I think as long as he agrees to portray you in a true and positive light, it sounds like a pretty good opportunity.

MICHAEL: He also mentioned interviewing you and maybe the kids too.

RACHAEL: Well I don't mind being interviewed, but I don't know about the kids.

MICHAEL: Yeah... Let's see how they feel about this. (calls out to them) Prince, Paris. Come here.

PRINCE JR.: (comes in with Paris) What's up dad?

MICHAEL: Daddy has some news. A man named Martin Bashir wants to make a documentary about me. He'd be here for the next eight months. Him and his crew. I wanted to see how you two felt about it.

PRINCE JR.: Cool! Can we be in it?

PARIS: Yeah can we?

MICHAEL: (giggles) Sure, but you have to wear your masks, okay?

PRINCE JR.: Aw, come on dad! Why do we always have to wear those stupid masks?

MICHAEL: Prince, we've talked about this. Daddy's very famous so people with cameras always follow me around. I don't want you kids to be followed and have your privacy invaded like that. Do you understand?

PRINCE JR.: (pouts) Yes dad. (walks away)

MICHAEL: (turns back to Rachael) Well, I guess I can call Martin back. (picks up the phone and dials his number) Hello, Martin? It's Michael. I'd love to do the documentary.


One week later, Martin Bashir arrives at the ranch.

BILL: Mr. Jackson, there's a Martin Bashir here to see you.

MICHAEL: Oh, send him in!

BILL: (nods)

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