The train ride..

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Harry's pov: "dorm mates us?!" I say shocked and surprised "I just wanted you to prepare yourself potter" his voice sounded like he cared... it was nice I walk towards the door "T-Thanks Malfoy.." I say in a sweet and quiet voice "don't mention it" he went back to the mean annoyed him "if you want Malfoy u can come sit with us if u want" before he can answer I walk out and head back to where Hermione, Ron and... Ginny were "Harry? Are you ok?" Hermione asked almost yelling you could hear the worried tone in her voice "mate, no spells were put on you right?! Did he hex you?!" " Ron said as Hermione finished her question in the same tone of as her, before I can speak Ginny adds a comment in "Harry! Dear I was so worried!" In a slightly sarcastic and worried tone "I was going to to say I was fine and that Malfoy might even come sit with us" I say frustrated with Ginny for making it sound like we're dating but I pretend I'm not and sound generally happy

I sit down and Ginny sits beside me she cuddles my arm and I try pushing her off, at that moment Draco walked in and saw me struggling to get Ginny off, he sits right in between me and Ginny I give him a thank you look and he nods back "what the hell Malfoy let me cuddle Harry!" She yells Ron and Hermione notices and try to destructor her bye joining her into the conversation and it worked she stoped bugging me and Draco "thanks Malfoy" I say quietly and slightly nervous me and Malfoy had never had a.... Nice conversation before today "thanks for inviting me" he replied slowly drifting off "I thought you hated me I mean you didn't want to be my friend in 1 year" Draco said breaking the silence "never I just didn't like how u treated my friends" I say half a sleep as a slowly drift off

I slowly fall a sleep on Draco's shoulder and Draco falls asleep too laying his head on mine he was warm and smelled good

Ron's pov: look at them Hermione there  cuddling "so cute" Hermione says quietly trying to make sure They don't wake up "well I think it's gross! I want to be the one cuddling Harry" Ginny says angry with a slightly wine, "Ginny you have to get over it he doesn't like you anymore" Hermione said in a rather sweet and calm voice, she did not want to get Ginny a worse mood that would not be helpful. After two hours Draco woke up well Harry sadly did not, "morning Malfoy, how was your nap?" Hermione asked with a smirk Ron followed with the same smirk and gave a quick "yeah, how was your sleep" you could only slightly see Malfoy's blush when he saw I was asleep on him "the best actually" Malfoy said looking up at them, Malfoy put his arm around Harry's waist well the other one was on Malfoy's leg.  Ginny went to say some mean comment but got interrupted by the announcements "we will arrive at Hogwarts in 30 minutes please get your stuff together" a male voice had said from the announcement. The announcement woke up Harry who barely opened his eye "morning..." Harry said in a rather sleepy voice

Harry's pov: I slowly wake up not opening my eyes quite yet "morning..." I say in a very sleepy voice "morning potter~" Malfoy whispered in my ear in a teasing tone of voice "morning Harry" Hermione said and perked up with a smile "morning mate" Ron said as he goes
Through his stuff to make sure he has everything "Harry my love your awake" I didn't have to look to know that was the annoying Ginny. I was still blushing from Malfoy's comment I don't know why but it gave me butterfly's, I open my eyes still on Malfoy and looks around " comfy potter?~" Malfoy interrupted my look around the room, I look at Malfoy and realized I was still on him! I get up of his shoulder and slide over ever so slightly "s-sorry Malfoy" I say You can hear the stutter in my voice "no problem potter" I get up and get my stuff together and so dose Malfoy. We arrive at Hogwarts I skip the 1 years ceremony go straight to me and Malfoy's room.

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