26: 'In Anger, There's Pain'; That's Bullshit, There's Just Anger

Start from the beginning

"Sometimes you forget who you're dating." Matt said as he pressed the space key on the laptop.


Matt turned the device in Y/n's direction and saw that all her money was back in her account.

"How did you do that?!" Y/n exclaimed as she neared closer to it, making sure she was reading the information right.

"Please, for me this is like making Mac and cheese." He chuckled.

Y/n tackled the brunet in a hug which he returned, pushing the laptop aside.

"Thank you."

"I'm going to need payment." Matt smirked as Y/n pried herself off him with a confused look

"'Payment?'" She quoted in question.


Matt pushed her gently to lay on the couch and hovered over her, immediately kissing her lips.

As they moved in sync, Y/n hands cupped his face as one of Matt's propped himself up and the other was on her waist.

Matt's knee made its way to between her legs and rubbed against her. The sound of a door open caused Y/n to push Matt off her which caused him to fall on the floor.

The male groaned as Mia walked out with Matt's phone in her hands.

"It died." The little girl pouted as she looked at the device.

"Why are you on the floor, Matty?" She asked.

"That's a great question, princess." He said as his brown eyes looked to the female on the couch.

Y/n breathlessly chuckled as she stood, handing Mia hers instead.

"You can have mine, munchkin." Y/n said then she went into the bathroom to take a shower.

As the water engulfed her body, running down her curves and somewhat easing her frantic mind.

She was thinking on ways to deal with her current predicament. There was no way in hell the girl was leaving her younger sibling here.

But also her father would make her life miserable if she didn't. He wouldn't stop until Mia was his protégé.

Y/n decided that whatever it was, she would handle it and her so called father would not get the best of her.

Upon finishing her shower, the female took her time getting changed. She was noe drying her hair with a towel when she walked out into the living room.

"Mom?" Y/n questioned as she looked at her mother on the couch talking to Matt whilst Mia played on her phone.

"Hi honey." She greeted with a smile as she hugged her older daughter which she returned, "Mail said he needed me to watch Mia."

Y/n looked to the guilty male who smiled at her but before she could let a word out, Matt held her hand and pulled her out the hotel room.

"Matt, what the hell's going on?" She questioned as Matt walked to his rental car with his girl trailing behind.

He opened the door and ushered her in before rounding the car to get into the driver's seat.

"Just relax yourself, baby."

Matt started the car and started to drive. Y/n slapped the driver's visor down and a small bag of cannabis fell out right onto Matt's lap.

"How'd you know it was there?" The male chuckled.

"Where else would you put it?"

Y/n then felt under the passenger seat and when her hand touched the pack of rolling paper, she pulled it out.

The cannabis was pre-ground so all she did was put in the rolling paper and made a joint.

She licked along the side of the paper for it to stay in place. Y/n then opened the glove compartment and pulled out the lighter.

"You have no idea how hot you look."

The girl lightly chuckled as she tucked the joint between her lips and lit it up, "Eyes on the road"

Swiping his tongue on his bottom lip, he nodded lazily with smirk, "Yes ma'am."

The couple passed the joint while they enjoyed the ride and each others presence.

Y/n sightly hummed to the tune of the song playing on the road as her attention focused on the buildings the seemed to quickly fly past her.

Her e/c eyes turned a slight shade of red and it felt as is all the weight on her shoulders had been lifted.

The brunet finally came to a stop and cranked the handbrakes while taking the last pull of the joint, blowing it all out the window.

Once Matt opened the car door for her, she got up with a slight grunt and straightened her clothes.

"Care to tell me what's going on now?" The girl sassed while folding her arms over her stomach, looking to Matt who had a toothy grin plastered on his face.

All he did was point behind her in response.

With furrowed brows, she turned around slowly and her eyes immediately wavered in awe.

There stood the biggest Christmas tree she had ever seen in her entire life.

The decorations glistened and shone at her, the lights were one colour, specifically white which seemed to compliment it more.

Oh and the star, the star was also big and beautiful, it reflected the surroundings and was also a vibrant gold colour.

There was no space that was left green as it was covered with the decor and lights which made it more pleasing to the eye.

It was something you'd see in a Christmas movie or depicted in a romantic Christmas novel.

Subconsciously Y/n walked closer to the giant tree and smiled.

"Matt, this is-" Y/n trailed off with a breathless chuckle, "This is just wow."

"Figured you needed a change of scenery." Matt said as he took a cigarette from his box and offered his girl one but once she declined he shoved it back into his pockets.

"Besides I don't want you to think back to America and despise it because of...you know."

Matt lit his cigarette and immediately took a satisfactory drag.

Y/n looked to him and hugged him so hard that he stumbled back and almost fell over.

There, in his arms, Y/n could feel the warmth and comfort and she couldn't help but think, "How did I get so lucky?" She mumbled into his shoulder. Matt almost missed what she said.


Not even being assed with his freshly lit cigarette, he tossed it aside and took the girls face in his hands, forcing her to look up at him.

Gently he ran his thumb over her cheek and could help the corners of his mouth curving up

"If anyone is lucky, it's me." The male said, "You have no fucking idea."

Matt pressed his lips against hers and though she expected it to be rough, it wasn't. It was gentle and passionate, a savory kiss which he smiled into.

Once he pulled away and they both look towards the tree, Matt draped his arm around her shoulder, trying to get her as close as possible.

In that moment Y/n couldn't help but also think how in love with this idiot she was.

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