Mafia Queen - Part 3 - Story 1

Depuis le début

Y/n - I'm sorry i just don't like talking while someone's driving. I feel comfortable when it's silent, plus I get to think of the things we can talk about.
Colby (chuckles) - yes of course I know what you mean

- Colby looks at Y/n and smiles then puts music on -
- Soon, Colby and Y/n arrived at a place Colby has plan -

Y/n - oh- um wow this place is so beautiful and fancy. . . If you had told me I would probably be dressed better

Colby - you look just great like you are

- Colby smiles and walks out of the car then runs to open Y/n's door -

Y/n - Oh thank you, fine gentleman

- Y/n says in a fancy but funny voice -
- Y/n and Colby chuckle -

Colby - well of course my lady
- Colby does the same -
- Y/n gets out and smiles at Colby -

Colby- I want to apologize for the other day. So, I rented out the whole restaurant.

Y/n - are you rich or something

- Y/n looks at Colby with a curious face -

Colby - actually I'm a YouTuber
Y/n - Oh wow never knew that YouTubers make money. I'm usually not on my phone or any social media so not trying to offend you
Colby - Of course, many people have said that and I don't get offended at all.

- Y/n smiles and Colby as well, they both look in each other's eyes -

Colby - so... Do you wanna go inside? You'll be amazed at what a YouTuber can do

- Colby chuckles and extends his hand -

Y/n - Of course

- Y/n holds Colby's hand and both walk into the restaurant -

- Once you get in there's a bar all in red. The walls, tables, chairs, cups, plates, everything is red. Not everyone can rent this place for its expensive looks and chefs -

Y/n - This is starting to be more of a show of how much money you have

- both chuckles -

Colby - eh not really, first impressions are good.

Y/n - well, of course, next time it's my turn

- Y/n winks -

Colby - well what do you do for a living?
Y/n (mind) - I can't tell him that I'm the leader of Scar
Y/n - I'm the CEO of Sing
Colby - WHAT!? That famous show?!!
Y/n (chuckles) - Yes, my father was the one with the idea. He lead it sense 2010 but a year later from today he died.
Colby - I am so sorry for that, I heard that he passed but no one ever knew of what
Y/n - Yes, I still don't know as well
Y/n (mind) - he died because someone from another mafia killed him.

- Colby sees Y/n's hand on the table and holds it -
- 2 waiters come and serve the plates on the table then leave -

Colby - it must be so hard for you, but let's not talk about it and start eating

- Y/n looks at the dishes -

Y/n - Ohh this looks fancy
Colby - Come on don't be silly, I know that you had lots of fancy food growing up
Y/n - yes but ever since my father died I have never been the same, I don't like going out as much.
Colby - Well eat up enjoy this dish.

- Colby smiles -
- Both Colby and Y/n start eating and talking -
- Soon the Chef walks in -

Chef - Hello, I'm the master chef of the food hope you guys enjoyed it, next is our special dish for the finally

- both waiters walk in and serve the dish -
- it was the golden cake -
- The Golden Cake is known for its rare ingredients and style -

Y/n - Oh wow, this dish is so beautiful, I always loved gold
Chef - I hope it's not the last dish you'll be having

- The Chef smirks at Colby then leaves and one of the waiter stand behind Y/n -
- Soon the look of Colby's eyes widens and holds Y/n's hand tighter and tighter -

Y/n - you're squishing my hand Colby
Colby - I am? so sorry I was just excited and nervous
Y/n - Nervous about what?
Colby - I know we met for only 2 days but I feel very close to you
Y/n - you're very nice Colby
Colby - I wanted to tell you if we could go out another time tomorrow or soon
Y/n - I am so sorry Colby but tomorrow is a very busy day, I have a meeting to go to
Colby - it's fine, I get it

- Colby lets go of Y/n's hand and looks down -

Y/n - let's just start eating this delicious cake
Colby - but-

- Colby looks up and holds his hand up -

Colby - leave now!!

- Y/n looks behind her and looks at the waiter -
- The waiter nods and walks away -
- Y/n then noticed the gun in the waiter's pocket -
- Y/n looks at Colby with a scarred face -

Y/n - I have to go
Colby - What, why?!
Y/n - My friend just broke but with her boyfriend and I don't want to leave her alone
Colby - I get it, let me take you

- Colby stands and cleans himself -

Y/n - No, it's fine I can call someone to pick me up
Colby - what's wrong?!
Y/n - I just need to leave, maybe we can meet another time

- Y/n clicks the red button on her bracelet -
- not even a minute passes by and Y/n's bodyguard gets there -

Bodyguard - What is wrong Miss?

- The bodyguard holds his gun -

Y/n - Put that away NOW. I just need to leave before I kill him myself

- Y/n's eyes start going red -
Y/n's bodyguard grads her around the shoulders and makes sure that no one sees her -

Bodyguard - You need to be more careful
Y/n - I know, I know he was just trying to kill me.

If there's anything mistakes please let me know.

Colby Brock & Y/nOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant