Maifa Queen - Part 2 - Story 1

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- Y/n is at her house with her friend Tara -

Tara - I can't believe that she told the detective that.
Y/n - I know but she has been suspicious about me ever since he died.
Tara - Y/n. . . Di- did you do it?

- Tara steps back from Y/n -
- Y/n notices and chuckled -

Y/n - I can't believe that YOU my best friend think that I would kill someone that I loved. I should've gone with him, but I couldn't I was too drunk. He was just trying to help me.

- Y/n's eyes start to shine. Soon, a teardrop fell down her cheek -

Tara - I'm sorry Y/n, but you out of everyone don't drink, ever sense, your father. . .

- Y/n interrupts Tara -

Y/n - Haven't I told you that I don't wanna hear it. He died because of me I get it.

Tara - Stop being so hard on yourself. They didn't die because of you and you should understand that. No one lives long in this world, people want to stay and some want to go, but it's always the choice of life if it's their time.

2 years ago

Aryia - Why were you talking to a man in the mall? Did you plan to meet him there? Or do you know him?
Y/n (whispering) - I didn't mean to meet anyone Aryia, and stop talking we're in a meeting if you can't see.
Aryia (yells) - FUCK THIS

- Everyone looks at Aryia,
Aryia stands up. Then, he grads Y/n by the arm and takes her out of the room -

Aryia - I told you that you're mine, don't you get it?
Y/n - I'm no one Aryia, you want to be with me because you want my step dads approval.

Aryia - I love you Y/n, no one can describe this feeling I have towards you.

- Aryia grads Y/n's cheeks and then gets closer. Soon, Y/n gets a phone call and backs away -

Aryia - who is it?
Y/n - someone I met yesterday
Aryia - is it that man you were with?

- Y/n ignores him and walks away but Aryia grads her arm -

Aryia - don't you dare answer that call

- Y/n looks at Aryia straight in the eyes and clicks accept -

Y/n (call) - Hello?
The young man (call) - Hey, it's the guy you bumped within the mall. . . Well, I was the one.
Y/n (call) - Yeah, how could I forget.

- Y/n says in a flirty way then looks at Aryia -
- Aryia is standing there with jealousy in his eyes -

Colby (call) - Yeah by the way my names Colby
Y/n (call) - Oh well nice to meet you C-

- Y/n pauses for a second and looks at Aryia again and notices that he is listening. "If I say his name he might get killed," Y/n says to herself. -

Y/n (call) - You can call me Y/n. . .
Colby (call) - That's a very beautiful name.
Y/n (call) - Thank you very much. . .

- Aryia gets close to Y/n and grad her hand -

Y/n (call) - I have to go but we can talk later
Colby (call) - No! Wait, sorry I was wondering if we could meet. . . Maybe take you out for dinner?
Y/n (call) - Oh umm yes, of course, that would be great.
Colby (call) -alright, well see you soon I'll text you when and where.
Y/n (call) - Yes see you soon.

- Call ends -

Aryia - You are not going anywhere with that man.
Y/n - You aren't my boss Aryia
Aryia - I'll kill him
Y/n - I would like to see you try

- Y/n walks away and back to the meeting -

Sorry for not posting life is just busy!!
Hope you guys liked it!!!!!

Colby Brock & Y/nOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz