Mafia Queen - Part 3 - Story 1

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- Y/n is at her house getting ready for her date with Colby -
- Soon, after Tara, Y/n's best friend comes in -

Tara - Hey girl

- Tara runs up to Y/n and hugs her -
- Tara has been out of town and finally came back after a month -

Y/n - What the hell. . .

- Y/n hugs Tara back -

Y/n - I thought you weren't coming anymore

Tara - Well look at me now, I'm back and never leaving.

Y/n - Why not? Did you come back with Jake?

Tara - don't remind me of him. . .

- Tara walks to Y/n's bed and lays down depressingly -

Tara - I broke up with him

-Y/n walks and lays down beside Tara -

Y/n - Why?
Tara - My mother said that he's not worth my time. She made me break up with him.

Y/n - no one should make your own life decision. You're grown now, you want to be with him go back, and never leave him.

Tara - I can't I need my mother's approval.

Y/n - do you think that I would have my father's approval from selling the house in our home town. . . I sold it because it would benefit our lives. . . MY life

Tara - Yeah well it's not easy to get someone back.

Y/n - look we can talk about this later. You know this is your home. . . So do whatever you want while I'm out

Tara - Where are you going?

Y/n - I'm just going on a date with a guy I met at the mall

Tara (laughing) - I can't with you

Y/n - What!? He's kinda hot
-Y/n smirks-

Tara - and what about Aryia?

Y/n - he's toxic and stubborn, soooo- no I don't want him anymore.

- Tara looks at Y/n with a serious face -

Y/n - what I'm for real he's not for me anymore. There are options and I'm hungry.

- Y/n winks and Tara just laughs -

- Soon after Y/n finishes and gets a text from Colby -

- "hey, is it fine if a pick you up?" Colby texted, "Sure, I'll send you my address" Y/n reply's -
- a few minutes later -
- Colby picks Y/n up and throughout the drive, they were silent -

Colby - you look nice
Y/n - thanks but you look better
Colby (chuckles) - thank you. . .

- Colby stares at Y/n for a second and back at the road -

Colby - I don't want this to be awkward or anything

- Y/n interrupted Colby -

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