6. You Still Hungry?

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~A I D E N~

Something is definitely wrong with me...

I am in deep shit. I don't know what the heck is going on with me but I know who's the cause of it and I fucking hate that. Ugh why did she have to come back? My life was going well. I was enjoying my life without any regrets. I was having the best year. I was perfectly fine!

Oh but you know you weren't...you definitely missed her. And now my inner voice is torturing me too. Just what I needed. Yay.

I have to do something to get her off my mind. I need to get away from her, but its damn hard when your own sister keeps dragging her along with you. What am I gonna do? Maybe I could run away? Change my identity? Disappear off the face of earth? Wait why should I even do that though? Its not like anything is happening between us. Huh that would be fucking hilarious! Do you want something to happen between you two? 

Do I? Wait. What? No! I need to go to inner voice removal therapy. 

I silently watched her as she took a sip of her wine, leaving a faint red mark of her bottom lip on the glass. I wonder what that mark would look like on my che- I need to stop or at least get laid. Yes! That's it! I haven't slept with a woman in a while. Maybe that's why all the pent up sexual frustration is coming out like this. I'm a genius...well maybe a horny one but I am.

I looked away, trying compose myself, putting on that mask of nonchalance when in reality I'm very much not calm and relaxed. But she can't know that she's the only person who can get under my skin, because I know she hates she can't. Little does she know.

"Well we're gonna leave now, it's getting late." Eli said wrapping an arm around Charlie's waist.  Its not even late but we all know why they're planning to leave...

"I hope you can walk tomorrow Charlie." Ash replied smirking at them. Oh god a smirk on a woman shouldn't look that attractive! WAIT- WHAT? ATTRACTIVE? Aiden get your shit together man!

"You care too much Ash," Charlie says feigning innocence, "I would willingly choose to not be able to walk if I get to enjoy the cause."

Eli completely froze, with wide eyes and jaw practically touching the floor, "Yep we are leaving. Bye boss! Bye Emmy and Noah! Bye Mr. Asshat!

Wow he actually said bye to me. Wait hold up what did he call me? I saw Ashley frozen in her spot looking at the floor sheepishly, and it was honestly kind of cute. See I knew something was wrong with me.

Emmy and Noah also got up to leave after paying, and we all walked out together, with Noah whispering things in Emmy's ear which I would rather not like the details of.  Noah gave me a pat on my back and Emmy hugged me and kissed my cheek. What is it with kissing cheeks? Ew.

"Oh I completely forgot to tell you! Mom is hosting a barbeque party next to next Sunday and she told me to tell you cause you were too busy to pick up her calls! She even tried calling your secretary, who I still can't believe you slept with." She smacked the back of my head scowling at me. Well that hurt. "Ash you're invited too cause it's like our mother loves you even more than her own children. Which I don't mind cause well who wouldn't?" 

"I know someone who wouldn't," Ashley said giving me a pointed look but looked away, and hugged Emmy tightly, "Tell Amelia I'll be there."

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