5. Wait Who's Pregnant?

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~A S H L E Y~

Finally it was Saturday!

I had been dying for the past three days to know what Emmy had to say to us! My thoughts had been spiraling again and again thinking about every surprising scenario. What if she was opening a new type of clothing wear? No she'd send me a million pictures before that.  What if Noah and her are getting married? No. He'd ask me to plan stuff if he was proposing, we'd already made that pact. Maybe she's going to propose to him? Nah she'd probably have a panic attack over what ring to choose and end up getting admitted in the hospital. 

Or what if she was pregnant? Oh. My. God.

That certainly couldn't be the case....right? I mean I know they are very active in the bedroom, as I always get a very detailed explanation by Emmy herself of how they do it. Yes, I know I'm traumatized sometimes. It's like hearing about your parents' sex life. I shuddered at that thought and started packing up my things, and placing them in my bag. Just as I was done my phone dinged showing a text sent from Emmy.

Emmy: Ash are you done with work already? Stop putting so much stress on yourself. We've already reached the restaurant! Where are you and Eli?

 I sighed reading her text, letting out a small chuckle. I swear she makes up for the lack of a mother figure in my life. It's like she takes care of me without even knowing it. That's why I trust her more than myself, and why she's the only one who knows about what happened before I came to New York......

I quickly replied her snapping myself out of my awful thoughts. Because dwelling in the past isn't going to do shit for me.

Me: We're just leaving calm down mother dearest!

Just as I sent the text a knock echoed through my office. The door opened and Eli poked his head in before opening it wider and stepping inside fully. His ever present wide smile plastered on his face, even though his appearance seemed to show that he was tired.

"Are you ready to leave? Emmy has been spamming me for the last twenty minutes asking if we're there yet, and I've been telling her that we'll be reaching in 5 minutes for the whole of those twenty minutes!"

I raised my hands surrendering, "Yeah okay lets leave I'm sorry."

"Okay good. Come on we don't have enough time!"

"Oh I'm sorry I had company to run." I scoffed, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Yes boss we all know. You know you're kind of a workaholic?" he said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Damn right and I'm proud of it! Now let's leave we have to reach soon." I said exiting my office, but heard Eli muttering something like she needs a break, before following behind.

We walked to the basement of the building, and headed to our cars. I got in, put the location in the GPS and took off. The roads of New York were busy as always-innumerable cars honking and speeding away, herds of people walking on the sides, light from the streetlights and skyscrapers glowing brightly. The sky was a bit clearer tonight as well. You could even spot the stars despite the cover of light, if you squinted a bit. I sped through the roads, as the cold wind hit me from the rolled down window. It wasn't much long before we reached. We parked and got out, silently bearing ourselves for Emmy's wrath.

As we walked in I took a look around. It was big restaurant, shaped like a dome from the inside. It was fully packed with waiters and waitresses going around each table swiftly. It was a fancy restaurant, which meant Emmy had something really really important and special to tell us.

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