Lisa exhales a deep breath, "I don't, I told you he was a nice guy." she said and shakes her head.

"You said you left him out of nowhere, you admitted to beating him up. Are you sure you didn't kill him?" The brunette responded with confidence.

"Didn't I prove my innocence already? Why are we bringing this back again?"

Jennie clenched her fist, "Because I have no other suspects other than you," she pointed out, "You were the last person who was with him, if you didn't kill him, who did?"

Her friends felt the banter's tension thickening, one more word from either of them will surely create a fight and they all know that.

Rosé was the first one who stepped in between them and knocks the table twice to get their attention. "Enough, let's just find the more possible suspect than blaming each other, alright? We all want a progress here," she puts a hand on Jennie's shoulder, "Come on,"

The brunette sends Lisa a look that she couldn't describe and walks away, followed by Rosé. The blonde gives a short glance at her before calling Doyeon and completely escorting Jennie into the room. Jisoo was the only one left with Lisa and the older woman takes the opportunity to have a one on one with her.


Inside the room, Rosé pulls Jennie to sit on the bed. It's better to take her away from Lisa than watch them get into another fight when their previous one is far from being resolved.

The brunette mumbles, "God, I hate her so much," she says as she scratches her head in annoyance.

Doyeon and Rosé shares a look, secretly laughing and pretended like nothing happened when Jennie lifts her head.

"That stupid-"

"Alright, we get it, you should calm down. You're not here to be extremely irritated by her, remember?" The doctor says and clapped her hands, "We should get in our business,"

Doyeon nods and pulls out her phone, "That's right, come on, Jen." she said.

Jennie agrees and they start searching online about the final investion on her father. They found 2 or 3 more articles regarding the case and they proceed to take down notes, writing every important information that could help them in the future. They make discussions, questions, to find a hole where they would start to find the answer.

They were so entitled with what they were doing that they didn't even heard a muffled yelling coming from outside. Doyeon stops whatever she was doing and analyzes who could be that person, the other two soon heard it and as the voice started getting louder, they all ran out the room in panic.

As soon as they leave, they spot Jisoo clutching Lisa's collar with one hand as the other hand points at her face. They quickly break off the two away from each other before Lisa takes another hit from Jisoo.

Rosé leaves out a frustrated sigh, "What is going on?" she eyed Jisoo, the latter could only remain silent.

"Who thought putting them in one place alone is a good idea?" Doyeon whispers to herself and shakes her head.

Jennie then puts her hand on Jisoo's shoulder, "Get to the room," she says.

Lisa looks at the older woman with a blank face and her eyes suddenly landed on Jennie's wrist, where she saw redness around it and squinted her eyes to try and see if she's seeing it right. Jisoo walks into the room, rolling her eyes at Lisa.

The four of them remained and the brunette stands in front of her with a grim expression.


"Care to explain?"

Lisa shrugs, "I just called her weak," she answered, " a damn video game, for god's sake."

Doyeon snorted, making Rosé looks at her, with her too holding her laugh. She nudges her and tries to tell her to stop.

"That can't be the only reason,"

"It's the only reason, unfortunately."

Jennie shakes her head, "Whatever," she was about to walk away, when Lisa grabbed her by the arm and stopped her. She looks at her with confusion.

"What happened?"

Her eyebrow raised, "What?"

Lisa lifted her hand up and pulled down the sleeve of her jacket, revealing the mark on her wrist. The two women's eyes grew wide in shock, horrified by what they saw. They know Lisa isn't the reason, that wasn't there before.

The brunette quickly withdraws her hand, "It's none of your business," she says, turns to leave and once again stopped by Lisa.

"What. Happened." The taller woman asks in a stern tone, her eyes getting dark as she stares.

Jennie scoffs, "Nothing, let me go." she tries to fight her off, of course, she failed.

"Who did this to you?"

"No one, for fuck's sake!"

Lisa gripped her arm tighter and made her meet her eyes, "Did he do this?" she asks, referring to Taehyung.

The brunette could only stare at her eyes, not being able to give an answer as she guessed it right. How could she know? One could tell she was hurt by random things by accident and not intentionally by anyone.

How did she...

Lisa then loosens her grip and finally lets her go, the brunette took that opportunity to walk away and leave them alone in the house.

She needed to leave.

Before things get worse.


Jennie stops by a coffee shop to get herself some refreshments to ease her mind. These days have been extremely stressful and nevermind the fact that it took her 20 minutes in the line before she got to order. She didn't expect to have that many people in the shop and she'll waste more time if she goes to another one.

She decided to go straight to Taehyung's home, to check how he was doing after receiving a text from earlier this morning.

From: T
I'm sorry about yesterday.

Parking her car just outside the house, she walks through the porch. She knocked more than 3 times but she didn't hear any response. She was confused and went to grab the doorknob, turning it, she was surprised that it wasn't even locked.

Taehyung never leaves his door unlocked.

The brunette enters and was surprised that he wasn't in the living room. She puts her coffee on the table and looks for him in the kitchen, bathroom but no signs of him was there.

Once she goes in his room, horror was drawn on her face when she found his stuff destroyed and in a complete mess. She yells his name, trying to see if she will get any response but she was only met with silence.

Her heart started beating in panic, a bad feeling starts to envelope her. She started dialing his number, mumbling to herself to pick it up repeatedly but all her calls went straight to voicemail.

"Shit," she mumbles to herself and runs her hand through her hair.

Jennie looks everywhere in the room before leaving and went back to her car. She drives as fast as possible to reach Lisa's place, not caring if she violates the speed limit.

She stormed inside, seeing her friends in the living room just talking. They all look at her in surprise and Doyeon quickly stands up to check on her.

"Hey, what happened?"

Jisoo and Rosé soon stand around her, worried with how breathless she looks. She obviously hurried over here.


They all look at each other.

"He's missing,"

BEDEVIL II | jenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now