Mulai dari awal

Kkura Unnie cut me off

"Eh? You didn't even hear what is she planning"

Yujin said, raising her eyebrow

"Right now, as the oldest here, I am responsible for the three of you, and if something happened, Eunbi Unnie will definitely kill me, so we're not gonna do that dangerous way"

Kkura Unnie firmly told us

"Unnie, I know you feel a little responsible but how about let's hear what Yuri is planning?"

Minju said and tap Kkura Unnie's shoulder

"So... What's your plan?"

Kkura Unnie asked me and I suddenly feel pressured as they all looked at me.

"Well, we need to go back and look at the past"

I said and I saw they are interested in what I said

"We're just gonna use my magic to somehow looked into the moment this castle got robbed however, I can only do it for an hour, or else it could be dangerous "

I explained which made all of them quiet

"It's quite similar to time travel but there's a little bit of difference, In time traveling the body of the doer is also included but in this, only our mind will travel and the body will remain unconscious until it finishes, and go back in the present. The danger is a lot of people who tried this magic didn't manage to bring back their consciousness to their body"

I added

"Are we all gonna do this?"

Master Pryor asked

"No, I can only handle two minds, including mine"

"I'll do it with you Unnie"

Yujin suggested, and the others agreed

"It seems you're already sure about this, just... Be careful and come back safely"

Kkura Unnie said and the two of us nodded

"So... What are we gonna do, unnie?"

"Close your eyes and be ready"

I said, I raised both my arms with my hand open and create a time magic circle and at that moment despite my eyes close I know we are surrounded by magical enchantment

"Let's move away from them"

I heard Minju say.

I concentrated and use my energy on the enchantments that will help to protect us while our consciousness is traveling from the past. Fortunately, we only need to go back for a few hours so it's not hard to release energy magic.

I felt the two of us float, I close my fist slowly and after I few minutes I slowly opened my eyes

"Yujin ah, you can open your eyes"

We are still on the same Arsenal where we are earlier, it's just no one is here

"So... What should we do Unnie?"

Yujin asked, I looked at my palm to know how long we can stay here and saw we only have about an hour

"We have about an hour before we can go back to present time"

I said and Yujin nodded, we immediately went to the vault of the arsenal where they key to the portal of the crypt. It is locked and surrounded by enchantment but luckily because of my power we can easily get through it.

"The key is still here"

Yujin said and touch it

"Unnie, is there a way we can stop those thieves from stealing this? May we can just hide this"

Yujin asked which made me frown



"I said no An Yujin! We are not here to change something, so don't try to do any stupid actions, we are here to see who stole the key, unfortunately, we can't save it anymore"

After I said this, Yujin sighed disappointingly while looking at the Key to the Portal of Crypt, Then after a few moments we heard someone coming

"Let's hide"

Both of us hide as we waited for those thieves to show up. But the moment they enter the Arsenal the two of us are surprised, the thieves don't have a face, or maybe they have but it is somehow covered with...

Black smoke? The only thing I can see is their red eyes and they are wearing black cloaks. And the only one who's different is the man in the middle who is wearing a familiar armor and a mask.

"What the heck are they?!"

Yujin quietly muttered,


We try to be careful and quiet but then the man in the middle uttered, which made Yujin and I surprised.

"Someone's here"

My eyes widened as I heard him utter those words

"I think they felt our presence Unnie"

Yujin said which made me agree, now we don't have a choice but to show up and fight them, I looked at my palm and nodded

"We still have plenty of time, let's not do this here"

I whispered, the two of us teleported to the place where no one can see, and the moment we reach it, those no face hooded guys are already there, except for the man in the middle

"They are quite a lot Unnie"

"I know. But we need to finish this fast before the time runs out"

And we both summoned our weapons

"Be careful Yujin ah, we don't know what these creatures can do"

And we both immediately attack our enemies


Finally, I'm done with editing.

Anyway, One of my most anticipated Yuri's magic is revealed

Time Manipulation

Also, their opponents, what do you think these creatures can do?
Why did they steal the Key to Portal Of Crypt?

Comment your opinions and assumptions, you might be right 😏

Find out more in the next chapters...


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OS BOOK 3: GAIAN (IZONE FANTASY AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang