Without I realize, I also smile when I see him. There is a relief feeling as I thought  my effort coming here doesn't come wasted. I see him averted his gaze to the whole club with smile never off of his face. And he smile getting wider when he darted his eyes on my table. Does he?

Yeah, I guess. He waves his hand and I wave back then winks his eye. I look away. Wait! Am I blush? Shit! What's wrong with me? Ain't I like Yibo? Or I like him, too?

"Yo! I give you the special song for you!"

Hyungwon shouts through the microphone. Then he glances and smiles in my direction. The song remixed by the DJ played through the audios.  Hyungwon says something on the other Dj's ear and the DJ nods and pushes Hyungwon's back. Hyungwon jumps down the stage.

I look at him as he walks to my table. He hops on the high stool.

"Hi! I thought you won't come so early...!" He says, starting the Convo.

"Yeah..." I only response to him like that.

"How's your friend? Is he ok now?" He asks.

I don't promptly answer him. I play with the water that rolling down the bottle.

"Yeah. Yeah. He 's fine...!" I reply. My voice somehow breaks, holding back the cry that crawl up in my throat.

"Are you ok?" He asks again. He looks at me full of concern.

I have to gulp the bitter bile in my throat and clear it up first before I reply him.

"Yeah! I'm great!"

Hyungwon heaves a sigh. I know he knows that I'm lying. But he doesn't want to push me when his questions makes me break down. So he changes the topic.

"So...! How did you come here?" He asks again. This time he asks another question.

I take a deep breath as I cover it with a chuckle. Dry chuckle.

"My scooter,.of course....!" I reply.

He chuckles.

"Wanna more drinks?" He offers me.

I look at the bottles. I'm not a drinker. I only drink wine with low tolerance of alcohol sometimes in special occasions. I drink beers sometimes when I'm hangout with Yibo.

Yibo, Yibo, Yibo! Why I aways spell his name all the time? Why just can't I shoo him away from my head? He doesn't... Deserve me. He doesn't want me.

"Naa... I still have these!" I reply.

Hyungwon smiles. He puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey! If you need a company, someone to talk to...I'll be always available for you. Got it?" He says.

If I were a girl, who just got a broken hearted, feels unwanted and worthless... Maybe I will throw my head on his shoulder and cry, spilling out all the pain I feel inside me. But, no. I'm a boy. And he also a boy. I met him less than a month and I talk to him only about a few days ago, getting closer only by tonight.

I pull up my shoulder and purse my lips, smiling at him.

"Thanks?" I say. "I'm fine."

"That's good!"

He turns to the stage. I think he wants to go back doing his DJ stuff. He turns back to me.

"I'll go up first. Enjoy your night. I'll be there if you need me...!" He says, squeezing my shoulder.

I nod my head. He gets up then go back to the stage and I go back enjoying my drink.

It's very late at night, but I have no intention to go back home yet. I'm very enjoying watching the DJ. The specific DJ having his good time playing with the mixer while smiling around. He often looking at my direction and throws me his big smile, and I have no option but smiles back at him.

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