"I'm better off on my own anyways." I shook my head and headed back up to my cell. I knew Daryl would be even more angry with me for going along with their idea, but the angrier he was the easier it will be for me to leave. "All I brought is trouble for you people, the least I could do Is leave." Gripping onto the railing I ran up the metal steps.

My feet carrying me into my cell. I could hear them talking downstairs but, I didn't care enough to pay attention.

Pacing around in my little room, I finally stopped in my tracks slamming my hands against the cold concrete wall. I didn't even know where all this anger was coming from. But it was boiling up in my veins fast.

Stepping over to my bed, I dropped down onto the mattress. Kicking off my converse, I placed them beside me. My hand grabbing my bag that was still on the floor. Unlatching the hook I opened my bag and grabbed my pair of combat boots. They were better to travel in then converse. Well you could run better in them, and heaven knows ill need to run outside of this prison.

My fingers quickly fixed both of my socks before sliding my boots on. Tucking my pants into the tops my boots I laced them up and wrapped the remaining lace around my ankle before tying them off.

Pulling off the blood covered tank top the governor gave me I threw it against the wall. My eyes staring at it as my anger grew. I wasn't sure if the infection was making my emotions shift or if I was just tired of shit happening. Shit I couldn't stop from happening.

Letting out a sigh I looked away and slid into my black T-shirt, then I pulled on my red flannel button up. Rolling up the sleeves I got to my feet filling up my bag with everything that was in my tiny room.

Once I had everything I put the bag onto my back. As I made my way to the door I looked back into my cell one last time, my eyes panning the tiny area. But there was nothing left. Not one thing was left in that room. It was like I never existed.

Slamming the door shut, I turned and didn't look back as I headed down the steps. My boots clanking against the metal as each foot hit a metal rung.

Just as I made it to the last step, I saw Carol step into view. Her arms crossed over her chest as her sad eyes looked into mine.

"You don't have to go Hadley." She shook her head as her eyes pleaded with mine.

"It's time for me to go home." I quietly said. Her brow raised as to what I just told her but I didn't stick around to answer her question.

Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a small silver locket. It belonged to my mother before she died. She wasn't a nice women but it was the nicest thing she ever gave me. It had two small picture frames inside of it, one containing a picture of me when I was little. My brown hair pulled up into a ponytail a wide smile plaster onto my face. Probably one of the last pictures I actually smiled in.The other side empty for the most part, the remnants of an old worn picture were still stuck in the sides. The picture of my parents that I had torn out so long ago. They were both worthless and cared only for the monthly welfare check I brought them. It was a blessing when they died.

I figured Carol could make better use of it then me. She had been more of a mother to me then my actual mother, so I thought it be nice to give her something to remember me by.

Looking up at me, she took the small silver locket in her hand. I gave her one last smile and walked around her. Leaving her alone as she opened the tiny thing.

My eyes focused ahead of me as I continued walking through the prison. Andrea was above me on the catwalk, looking down. Merle was leaning against the wall, a smug smile tugging at his lips as I got closer. Shane was perched on one of the tables, his boot resting on a chair as he used his knife to clean underneath his fingernails. Acting like he wasn't paying much attention.

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