Chloe: It seems that the contest is dominated by that stupid German group that has taken the tour from us.- she comments between her teeth without looking up from the laptop.

Stacie: Who has stolen the tour from us.- She remembers our housemate and friend.

Amy: Exactly. You have to look for those Germans .- the blonde supports her. -They can't be that good, Germany doesn't produce good singers since David Hasselhoff.- she assures us with certainty.

Y/n: Since when David Hasselhoff sings? - I ask completely confused.

Amy: Always Mitchell junior, update yourself.- she tells me as if it were obvious.

Flo: It's that chubby man who was running in slow motion with a red swimsuit, right? - she asks with confusion and I nod in response.

Amy: We're going to crush them and when we do, those dumb asses will have to swallow all these cards.- She says confidently taking another hate card from the kitchen island. -Die bitches, die. Criticizing slut.- she reads stamping the letter against the island. -The Bellas are back! - she exclaims with emotion.

Flo: Yes.- She assures celebrating like the rest.

Chloe: Has anyone talked to Beca today? - she asks and I avoid the question scratching my eyebrow.

When I get nervous or hide something, I have a habit of scratching my eyebrow and everyone immediately realized it. The itching is something that I cannot avoid, at first I feel a slight tingling in my right eyebrow and then it triples, making it impossible for me not to scratch it.

Y/n: I haven't seen her after going to the introductions off my classes.- I answer by opening another letter, to focus on something else and keep myself distracted from the itch in my eyebrow.

Amy: Not since she left the room this morning.- She answers, shrugging her shoulders and not giving it much importance.

Jessica: Girls remember that today Chloe and Ashley prepare dinner while Y/n and Stacie have to clean up later.- She reminds us from the table in the corner of the kitchen and I groan.

Y/n: But I cleaned two days ago.- I complain like a little girl.

Stacie: Don't worry honey.- she tells me hugging me by the shoulders and sticking my face to her neck. –This time you will clean with me or you could clean me.- she whispers the last part suggestively in my ear.

Amy: I keep saying it Long live the lesbians! - she exclaims and I separate from my roommate to look at her badly. –What? My room is above yours and I have ears. - she comments without much importance.

Y/n: Whatever you say.- I say amused throwing her a letter, which is not a good idea because the six of us end up in a card war.

Once we're done with dinner, Stacie and I find ourselves in the kitchen scrubbing and cleaning everything we've used. The rest are in the living room or in their own rooms, since we're going to go to the treble house in a while and they're probably getting ready.

Y/n: Can someone open the door?- I yelled when I heard the doorbell ring.

I don't know if anyone has heard me, but I hear the door open and two people talk. Suddenly I feel something wet on my back and I jump letting out a scream.

Y/n: It's not funny.- I reproached my best friend, seeing her with an empty glass of water in her hand and an amused smile on her face.

Stacie: That's because you're the only one with a wet back.- She assures me, laughing at tlhe situation.

Y/n: Oh yes? - I ask and quickly grab the sink hose. –Tell me now if it's still fun.- I comment opening the faucet and wetting her between laughs.

Stacie: Y/n Stop! - she exclaims jumping on me and trying to take the hose out of my hands. –Stop! - she exclaims between laughs while we fight for the control of the hose.

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