Though, the guys of Shibu 3 just handled boys who provoked their juniors. It was legitimate of them so Mikey didn't really have a reason to be against them. So he decided to wait a while before doing anything, the time to see how things evolve.

The rest of the day passed by quite quickly, which was quite normal as Mikey spent it sleeping on his desk. Though he would normally get mad from being woken up, his mood was softened up when Draken told him Baji confirmed Sakiko would be coming to the gathering. So for the rest of the day, Mikey was smiling broadly, exuding such a light one could become blind. He couldn't wait to see the Yamashita girl for days.

Though, despite everyone being present at the place, Sakiko was still missing. It altered his mood quite a lot though he managed to hide it in front of his gang mates. He was to appear strong in any circumstances. But his closest friends were well aware of the worries that plagued their leader. Though the idea they had of his worries was far from what was actually going on in his head. A raging storm was ravaging everything in his mind, wondering why Sakiko was not there yet. The sun was setting and she was not there. Would she really come? What if she doesn't? Was it because of him? Did he upset her? Was that why she was avoiding him? Did she not come because she knew he would be there?

But the storm eased when he heard the familiar engine of a car. Looking up at the top of the stairs, a smile immediately garnished Mikey's lips as he caught sight of Sakiko. Despite the darkness of the night, he could still make out how gorgeous she was. Even though she was just dressed in her school uniform, she was still beautiful. The way her brown hair fell on her shoulders, framing her face, and her big eyes sparkled as she caught sight of her best friend, Emma. Sakiko was purely perfect to his eyes.

He stood a bit away from the other, watching the Yamashita girl having fun with their shared friends. She ate with Emma and Draken, discussed with Mitsuya and Pah-chin, and laughed with Baji. Though, a frown flawed his brow as he watched Sakiko having so much fun with the Captain of the First Division.

"Stop staring at them like that, you creep," Mikey heard Draken say.

The tall blond boy had been pulled away by his girlfriend a while ago. Emma wanted to spend some time with her boyfriend and this gathering was the best opportunity for that. Even though Draken acted unbothered, Mikey knew he was actually enjoying some alone time with Emma. He just struggled to show his feelings for her, or more specifically, he struggled to loosen up. He had to grow up faster than others and hide his vulnerability in this harsh world. Emma was bringing this vulnerability back, which was something new to him. Though, Draken did not really mind.

"Since when Baji is this close to Saki-chin...," Mikey grunted to himself, still staring at both Sakiko and Baji.

It felt weird. His heart stung a bit and his stomach twisted in discomfort seeing them laughing together. And it was not the first time it would happen. In these cases, to make the feeling disappear, he would simply run up to Sakiko and stay by her side. The discomfort would disappear immediately. Though this time, Draken stopped him from moving further, grabbing his shoulders with a firm hand.

"Since childhood, you dumbass," Draken said as he took a sip of his drink. "You introduced them to each other,"

"Shouldn't have," Mikey pouted, crossing his arms over his chest while mumbling things. Draken only laughed at him.

"You gotta work on your jealousy and possessiveness, dude," Draken teased. "Baji told me about how you used to always cling to her when she had a crush on Wakasa,"

"Well, at least I show her I care for her not like you with Emma," Mikey shot back.

"You little brat!" Draken greeted as he hit the back of Mikey's head. And this was followed by bickering and a little fight. It went on for a moment, Draken pulling Mickey's hair as Mikey was pulling Draken's shirt.

"Just ask her out, man! And stop pestering me with your whinings!" Draken grunted as he pushed Mikey away, tired of fighting.

"Why would I ask her out?" Mikey asked genuinely confused as he fixed his hair.

"Are you really asking?" Draken looked at him, a look of pure disbelief on his face. He couldn't belong that Mikey really had no clue whatsoever. He couldn't be that hopeless.

"Well, yeah," Mikey said, growing impatient.

"You like her, don't you?"

"Of course I do!" The Sano boy exclaimed. He felt a bit offended that Draken was even questioning his feelings towards Sakiko.

"No, I mean, you like her," the Ryuguji boy put emphasis on the "like". Although, by seeing Mikey's clueless face, he knew it was not helping. "As in romantically?"

"What's the difference?" Mikey still asked, even more confused. Draken deadpanned and let out a long heavy sigh.

"God, send help, please. This kid is hopeless...," the tall blond boy muttered to himself. "Alright! Do you like her as in only enjoying her company and enjoying hanging out with her the way you do with us? Or do you like her like... you can't stop yourself from thinking about her and you always look forward to seeing her, you can't stop from smiling like an idiot whenever you see her and seeing her happy gives you strength, you want to protect her at all cost and feel empty when she's not around, and- well, you know what I mean...,"

Draken cleared his throat, looking away to hide the small blush that appeared on his face. While talking, he hadn't noticed he got carried away. He let his feelings out and ended up thinking about a certain Sano girl.

"Definitely the second option," Mikey nodded.

"Then you're in love with Saki-chan, Mikey," Draken smiled. But Mikey only blinked a few times, staring at his best friend.

"Are you sure? Like hundred percent sure?" He asked.

"The fuck I know? You're the one feeling this for her, not me!"

Mikey moved his gaze back to Sakiko. His heart fluttered seeing the bright smile on her face. He wanted to see that smile every day. He wanted to see that smile forever. He wanted to see that for himself only. He wanted to hug her. He wanted to see her every day, even if it was just for a minute. And when she was not around, it was strange. A bad kind of strange. He felt uncomfortable as if something was missing. And in those times, he would find himself looking for her. And it had always been like that.

"Is that what you feel for Emma?" Mikey asked, looking back at his best friend.

Draken did not answer immediately and looked at Emma who was talking with Mitsuya. A small smile reached the lips of the Ryuguji boy. There was no need to hide it anyway.

"Yeah...," he smiled.

"So I'm in love with Saki-chin...," Mikey muttered to himself.

Love was a strange and foreign concept to him. He didn't know what it was. He did not have parents so he never witnessed romantic love. His brother, Shinichiro, had always been rejected. All Mikey had even known was platonic and family loves. And he did not mind. He was not looking for love and never did. He did not even know he was capable of loving in this way. Until now. Everything made sense now. Everything was clearer.

"That's how it feels like?" The Sano asked as he moved his gaze to Sakiko's figure once again. He placed his hands over his heart. It was beating madly fast. It was strange. It was not caused by the adrenaline rush from a fight. But just by staring at her.

"It feels nice," he smiled.

Mikey liked this pleasant feeling enveloping his heart as he looked at Sakiko. He liked the comfortable warmth his heart was filled with. It was like a soft hug, a cozy embrace. He could get used to it.

"It sure is," Draken agreed, staring at Emma.

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