Chapter 31

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Taiju walked over to Mitsuya. The captain of the second division of Toman stayed on the floor. He was too tired, too beaten up to stand up. The wicked smile on Taiju's lips grew wider. He was enjoying the sight, he was enjoying his power, he was enjoying his dominance. He glanced at Hakkai then back at Mistuya. His smile grew bigger. And Sakiko knew. At that moment, she knew. Taiju did not care about crossing the line or not.

No... no, no, no, no, no! Not again... Not again! Sakiko stressed. If I do nothing, Mitsuya-nii will die... I can't let that happen... Not again... Not again!

Taiju walked over to Mitsuya, a wicked smile on his lips. Sakiko's body moved on its own. She will not let that happen. She had already lost people she cared deeply for twice. She will not let that happen. Not under her watch. She had broken her promise once. She won't do it twice.

"Mitsuya-kun!" Takemichi shouted.

Again, the entire church froze. Taiju stopped and lifted an eyebrow. He then burst out of laughter as everyone else just stared in bewilderment. They all stared at Sakiko who firmly stood in front of Mitsuya, shielding him. Sakiko was facing Taiju. Her eyes were burning with a fire no one had ever seen before. The fire of an unwavering determination. The fire of her will to protect the people she loved.

"Saki, what the hell are you doing?!" Mitsuya shouted, trying to stand up but failed.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Inupi exclaimed. "Get out of here!"

"What do you think you can do against me?" Taiju laughed.

But Sakiko did not move. She stood firmly before him, glaring at him. Until Mitsuya would be able to fight again, Taiju will not touch one strand of his hair. And if she had to be sacrificed, then so be it.

"I will protect Mitsuya-nii!" Sakiko exclaimed. "Even if that means getting beaten up I don't care! I won't let any of my friends die again!"

"Just get out of my way or I'll kill you," Taiju threatened, not wanting to lose his time.

But Sakiko did not budge. She stood still. She glared at him.

Taiju slightly frowned. He did not know she had this within her. Such a fire of determination, a will so strong she did not care about would happen to her. And it pissed him off.

"I don't care!" she blurted out. "I don't care who I have to fight! If you rip my arms out, I'll kick you to death! If you rip my legs off, I'll bite you to death! If you rip my head off, I'll stare you to death! And if you gouge my eyes out, I'll curse you from the grave! Even if I'm torn to shred, I'll protect my friends!"

Tekemichi stared at Sakiko in bewilderment. When he had first meant Sakiko, he had wondered why people were so drawn to her. He had always wondered why they always wanted to protect her so much. First, he had thought it was because of her condition. But he realized it was not that at all. So he thought it was her kindness. But it was not only that. Sakiko was Toman's guardian angel. She was their protector. She was their driving force. Now he understood why. Her burning determination, her raging will to protect them all reach their soul in the deepest.

"That's it, you pissed me off!" Taiju exclaimed, launching his punch.


Taiju's punch flew to Sakiko's face. But she swiftly dodged it, surprising everyone. She sped to him and punched him on the chin. Compared to his punches, it was a weak blow. So weak Taiju actually burst out in laughter again. Takemichi, Chifuyu, and Hakkai shouted to Sakiko to leave but she stood still. She didn't move and just waited for Taiju to go back fighting. She might be weak, but the analysis was her strongest point. Her determination was her strongest quality. Everyone was always protecting her. Every time. Every day. She was protected. It had always been like that. But now, she was the one who would protect her friends. Baji died when she was waiting behind. This will not happen. Not ever again. And if she had to give her life to protect her friends, to make sure they were alright, then so be it.

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