Chapter 1 of 4

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"Can I request that you all move into your national standards for nourishment and essential minerals replenishment approved groups, with your appropriate cards ready to show the education and life counselling communicators? Those education receivers with belief in non-real and religion requests, I request that you please move to my right. And finally all those with different life perspective outlooks, move to my left."

This was a new initiative that the Centre for professional and community was implementing. The joint primary caregiver of my joint primary caregiver said that shehe remembers "Milk Mornings" (what it was called then) when shehe was an individual adolescent. Wow years ago! The current societal and future prosperity direction decision facility had as a response to the growing rates of premature life expiration decided to implement a system that might address these growing rates in individual adolescents. However, in my opinion the initiative was not very well conceived, and one hour every centre for PC day was dedicated to grouping, acknowledging, distributing, and consuming the life assistance substance. 

Every day it would go like this: after the second afternoon compulsory societal exercises, all education receivers would group in the grouping, recreational and acknowledgment centre in the middle of the Centre for PC. First of all, the education receivers would group at one end, and the education and life counseling communicators would group at the other end. Then the Administer of the centre for pc, would address all the individuals. After shehe had grouped all the individuals into the large groups, as I detailed above, shehe would make smaller groups. The first and biggest was the "Complying, and in accordance with national standards for nourishment and essential minerals replenishment approved groups" In this group there were five smaller groups, all with a table and separate bottles of life assistance substance. The groups were: Lactose Intolerant, White-colour objection, cold-temperature objection, PED bottle objection, and four-legged ruminant companions-objection. Each of these groups were still catered for, and once they were formed they would move to receive their life assistance substance alternatives. The second large group was the belief in non-real and religious group. They did not feel as if they should have to consume the life assistance substance, as their belief in non-real and religion guidance communicators had instructed them not to partake in the activity. They sat to one side, and were offered water, if they chose to partake. The final group was the different life perspective outlooks group. Their joint primary caregivers had written to the centre for PC, stating that their care-receivers did not feel obligated to consume the life assistance substance, and that the compulsory societal exercises was enough. That was a fairly big group too, maybe half the centre for pc. They would sit together, and not talk, most had red faces from the exercises. After the hour had passed of grouping, acknowledging, consuming and un-grouping, we could return to the education and communication period. I went in with my co-education receiver. 

We sat in the middle of the arch of desks, same distance to the education impartation device as all other education receivers. Most of the period went slowly, as we were learning the same education period for the eighth time. We all had to wait until every education receiver was at a satisfactory whilst progressing at any acceptable standard. There was one education receiver who couldn't understand the content, so we all had to learn the same information until they did. The education receiver had gathered around shehe: the education and life counseling communicator, one assistance and extra requirements communicator, one further guidance and prompting assistant, and two individual adolescent education receiver companion communicators. The education receiver seemed stressed, and I could see that shehe was trying to concentrate! Hard with all the different voices though. 

Towards the end of the period, the education and life counseling communicator returned to the middle of the arch, and provided information about our upcoming piece of development and advancement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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