Andy's background story

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Andy was created by the alien government to be the "perfect" human genetics wise with a group of other babies.  The program also raised them to be obedient and polite, using abusive and traumatic methods.  The guards also took advantage of the humans in this program including Andy.  He has a red streak in his hair because the babies genetically modified got a red streak, the babies stolen got a purple streak, and the kids stolen at a later age had a green streak. At the age of 8, he started planning his escape to earth.  He observed the times they would load the ship to go steal more babies on earth and figured out the exact time to sneak into the ship.  At the age of 9, he snuck onto the ship and escaped into a forest near Cincinnati.  While hiding, a kid around his age named Christan Coma, CC for short, found him and took him to his mom and she recognized the streak.  Most humans wouldn't recognize it but she was also apart of the program.  She raised him and taught him about the world and the dangers of the program.  He bought him hair dye to cover the streak in case they try looking for him again.  He also has a scar with what number baby he was and she covered it up with a Band-Aid letting him know not to show it.  The mom had connections so she was able to get him fake government papers and register in public school.  She treated him like her son and listened, comforted him when he has flashbacks to the traumatizing events at the program.  CC, Andy, and their friends started a band called Black Veil Brides when they were 16 and started gaining popularity really fast.  Now he tours the world, writing music with multiple meanings so he can say his experience without the fans knowing his experience. He still deals with PTSD but has found ways to cope with it having the support of his band and mom.

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